Maneuver: the modification to the Woman’s option is being studied, there is the roofing knot

The government works on one possible modification of the rule relating to the Women’s Option, included in the manoeuvre. This is learned from different sources of the majority. According to reports, the issue should also be the subject of an informal meeting with representatives of the majority and the Minister of Labor Marina Calderone. A possible change, however, is linked to the problem of coverage: the current law, which limits the pension advance to disadvantaged female workers only, greatly restricts the audience and additional resources are needed to change it.

The clause linking early retirement to the number of children continues to be discussed and the government is working to find a solution. The game will be played entirely in Parliament, where the maneuver with its almost 36 billion of resources and a limited treasury of 400 million for the changes begins its process: an obstacle course with many nodes still open, starting from superbonus; but also a race against time, with arrival in the Chamber in the Chamber already set for November 20th. The latest version of the Women’s Option, subject to various rewrites by the government in recent days, appears very restrictive compared to the original version, limiting the possibility of early retirement to only three categories of female workers (caregivers, at least 75% disabled and dismissed or employees of companies in crisis); the age is set at 60, a threshold that can decrease by one year for each child up to a maximum of two. What is worrying is precisely this last clause, which risks penalizing women who do not have any. The subject was at the center of informal meetings in the Chamber between the Minister of Labor Marina Calderone and some members of the majority. The road appears narrow, also linked to the issue of coverage, but mediation is being sought and among the hypotheses there would be that of eliminating the passage, however referring the entire issue to the overall pension reform to be carried out next year. The latter issue sees the unions already on a war footing: with the cuts in revaluations 17 billion are removed from the system in three years, attacks the CGIL, which with the UIL is already ready to mobilize (the CISL is more cautious).

The maneuver will arrive in the Chamber of Deputies on 20 December at 10.30 with the general discussion, according to what was established by the conference of group leaders of Montecitorio. Voting will start at 2pm.

PENSIONS –In 2023 “compared to 726.4 million” which finance the pension interventions foreseen in the maneuver (Quota 103, Women’s option, Social Bee), “3.7 billion are subtracted from the system by cutting the revaluation of existing pensions (- 3.5 billion) and repeal of the early exit fund for SMEs in crisis (-200 million). If we consider the three-year period, the missed revaluations will amount to 17 billion”. These are the estimates of‘Observatory of the CGIL and the Di Vittorio Foundation, according to which “the resources that will actually be spent will be just over a third: 274.3 million, with a saving of 452.1 million”. “To support the unitary platforms on labour, taxation and welfare even beyond the maneuver and to ask the government to change the choices under discussion in Parliament, the Uil asks Cisl and CGIL to start a regional and/or territorial mobilization process and categories in the workplaces. Path to be articulated in agreement with the territories and not excluding any of the trade union mobilization tools”: thus the document approved by the national executive Uilaccording to which the budget law “contains many choices” which judges the blocking of revaluation for pensions “wrong” and “unfair”.

The CGIL predicts that in the course of 2023 the people who will access Quota 103, the Social Bee and the Women’s Option will be a total of 25,615 corresponding to 40% of the expenditure estimated by the government (90,172) in the 2023 Budget Bill. In a report on social security measures, the CGIL estimates a total expenditure of 274.3 million euros for the three measures, “much lower than that allocated by the government (equal to 726.4 million) and, consequently, a future saving of 452.1 million”. The social security measures approved by the Council of Ministers “are very limited, largely insufficient and, in some cases, even worse than the current regulatory framework”. This was supported by the confederal secretary of the union Christian Ferrari presenting a Report on the Government’s measures according to which compared to 726.4 million euros which finance the various interventions (Quota 103, Woman Option, Social Bee and more), 3.7 billion euros are subtracted from the system by cutting the revaluation of existing pensions (-3.5 billion in 2023 alone) and repeal of the early exit fund for SMEs in crisis (-200 million). If the three-year period is considered, the missed revaluations will amount to 17 billion. In reality, the resources that will actually be spent – based on the CGIL analysis – will be just over a third: 274.3 million, with a saving of 452.1 million since only a minority of the audience estimated by the Government will access to exit measures. “The critical issues present in our pension system are not addressed in any way – says Ferrari – and even less the conditions for an overall reform of our pension system are foreseen. No overcoming of the Fornero law, therefore, nor the possibility of accessing to retirement with 41 years of contributions. The slogans and electoral promises, once again, take the form of real misleading advertising. Basically, not only is there no improvement or extension of social security protection and rights, but there ‘it is a regressive intervention with respect to the current situation'”. “Case is raised on the shoulders of workers and pensioners – he says – to cut taxes on professionals by 85,000 euros a year. Meanwhile, no response to young people, to those who carry out heavy work and, above all, to women, who have paid the highest price of the “reforms” of the last 15 years”.

CGIL MOBILIZATION – The Steering Committee of the CGIL “gives a mandate to the national secretariat, in comparison with CISL and UIL, to put in place all the necessary mobilization initiatives, none excluded, to support the unitary platforms and our requests aimed at obtaining the answers necessary to face this phase which risks rapidly worsening the condition of the people, increasing social and territorial inequalities, blocking the development of the country”. Thus the agenda approved by the CGIL parliamentarian, in which the judgment on the maneuver considered “wrong and needs to be changed” is recalled. The Steering Committee therefore commits “all the CGIL structures to support the mobilization process which will be defined by the national secretariat” in the next few days. In the light of the final text of the budget bill “shares and confirms the judgment already expressed by the national secretariat of the CGIL” in the document with the first assessments of last week: “a wrong maneuver that needs to be changed which does not respond to the country’s real emergencies , starting from the material condition of male and female workers, retired men and women, citizens and citizens”.

SUPERBONUS – Among the nodes that risk complicating the government’s work is the problem of substandard credits of the superbonus. Forza Italia has been pressing for some time to expand the scope of the new rules and now FdI is also asking to lengthen the times. Check, among the proposed amendments to the quater aid decree, the hypothesis of postponing the deposit of the Cilas – the communication of the start of the works which allows the condominiums to still use 110% – at least until 31 December and release the tax credits already accrued through the F24 instrument: the ball, explains the speaker and senator of the Brothers of Italy Guido Quintino Liris, is at the Mef for coverage. The fate of the rule on the Pos contained in the maneuver also remains to be understood, the subject of discussions with Brussels and an issue closely linked to the implementation of the Pnrr.

Source: Ansa

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