Salone del Risparmio: Trabattoni, an industry that has never been so strong

(ANSA) – MILAN, MAY 10 – “The managed savings industry in Italy has never been so strong, with over 2,500 billion of assets at the end of 2021 and a boost in deposits of 93 billion last year which represents a result extraordinary”. Thus, the president of Assogestioni, Carlo Trabattoni, inaugurating the Salone del Risparmio 2022 at the Mico in Milan, which opens with over 15 thousand members.

“The signs of the first months of this year confirm the solidity of the sector”, adds Trabattoni, explaining that “in such a complex period, the picture that emerges of the asset management industry is positive”. For the president of the managed savings association. “We can be a fundamental component for the development of the country’s economic future, placing ourselves at the center of the recovery and acting as a strategic and driving engine”. Transforming savings into productive investments “will increasingly be one of the distinctive features of a modern and prosperous economy: this is the goal that should guide us”. Through adequate vehicles and incentives “we will have to allow this large share of fixed savings as liquidity, with over 1,600 billion euros of bank deposits at the end of 2021, to be a productive investment in support of infrastructural, digital and green transformation” (ANSA) .

Source: Ansa

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