Everyone should know! Traffic rules that drivers often confuse

Outwardly, the signs are similar to each other, but their meaning is radically different.

Misreading the sign will result in fines / Photo: Getty Images, Collage: Today

Stopping and parking are two different concepts, the interpretation of which is often confused by drivers, thus violating traffic rules. And for this, as you know, you can “fly in” a rather big fine.

“Today” will tell you what is the difference between these two concepts.

The main difference between these concepts lies in the time factor: parking involves duration, and stopping is a short-term maneuver.

Stopping is not always prohibited where it is impossible to park a car. But parking will always be a violation in those places where stopping is prohibited.

So stop – this is a deliberate cessation of traffic for up to 5 minutes due to the boarding / disembarking of people, as well as loading / unloading goods and other cargo. However, traffic rules also allow the excess of this term with the obligatory justification of the reasons.

Parking – this is a similar stoppage of movement, lasting more than 5 minutes, not due to the boarding of passengers or loading, which does not oblige the driver to report on its reasons.

Summing up, we note that this sign called “Stopping is prohibited” (two crossed red stripes on a blue background, 3.27) prohibits both stopping and parking.

Stop prohibited

Stop prohibited / Photo: screenshot

And this sign called “Parking is prohibited” (one red stripe on a blue background, 3.28) allows you to stop.

No parking

No parking / Photo: screenshot

EU recognized Ukrainian rights

Ukraine and the EU exempt holders of driving licenses issued by one of the parties from the requirement to have an international driving licence.

This became possible after both sides signed an agreement on “transport visa-free travel” on June 29.

Thus, all EU countries will now recognize Ukrainian-style driving licenses without restrictions. And this means that Ukrainians will not need to take additional exams or change their driver’s license.

According to officials, such a decision will help Ukrainian migrants who need a driver’s license to work in the EU.

Recall that the Verkhovna Rada returned duties and VAT on imported goods and customs clearance of cars from July 1. On June 30, the corresponding law was signed by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.

Previously, we also wrote which cars break down most often.

Source: Segodnya

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