How to restore sleep during the war – doctor’s advice that will help

Even 20 minutes of sleep can help restore the nervous system and minimize stress.

How to restore sleep during the war – doctor’s advice that will help / Photo: Getty Images

Insomnia is a problem for many during the war in Ukraine, which must be eliminated. Without sleep, the body is exhausted, and the nervous system is even more depleted. It becomes more difficult to respond adequately to the triggers of today. Anna Krasyuk, a therapist and family doctor, and I will tell you effective tips for adults and children to restore sleep during the war period.

Anna Krasyuk

Anna Krasyuk / Photo: press service

Why is it difficult for people to sleep during the war?

During the war, people have high levels of stress. A person experiences chronic stress due to military conditions that cause anxiety and anxiety. Stress becomes chronic due to daily life-threatening situations. People instantly and sharply react to events: an explosion, the sound of a siren, bad news about relatives, etc.

Children at war in Ukraine

Children at war in Ukraine / Photo: Instagram: romanpilipey

The nervous system of people is exhausted, and routine (military) triggers make it difficult to sleep well. Many do not want to sleep, others cannot sleep. The nervous system is exhausted – this is one of the reasons why a person does not fall asleep.

Even 20 minutes of sleep will positively affect the state of the nervous system. No way to sleep? Lie down or sit with your eyes closed. The visual analyzer takes over 80% of the load. Resting with your eyes closed will reduce the percentage of continuous anxiety, says the expert.

How to get healthy sleep back during the war?

Adequately assess the situation – realize that the war can last a long time. You need to recover, try not to be nervous and respond adequately to triggers. A person’s activity the next day depends on sleep, as well as helping others.

Assess the situation – adequately respond to daily events. Recovery of the nervous system is impossible if the body is under stress 24/7. Try not to worry about all the events – only the main ones: focus on protecting your loved ones, your own positive attitude and a bright future for Ukraine. A correct analysis of the information around and a minimum of stress are the first steps towards restoring sleep and the nervous system.

Sleep and a minimum of depression are your weapons during the war period, if you are at home. A quick response to a request for help will save someone’s life. A person who has not slept for several days and is stressed because of this will not be able to quickly respond to a request. Realize that your stress and lack of sleep will minimize the quality of your care for others. Allow yourself to sleep without remorse.

Rest to be ready during the war to help others, – said the expert.

Parental care will help children fall asleep

Parental care will help children fall asleep / Photo: Pexels

The care of parents will help children fall asleep. Treat children the way you did before the war so that they feel safe despite being in a bomb shelter and after hearing the sounds of gunfire. A sense of care will help them keep a good mood. Before going to bed, do not forget your ritual – reading a book, talking or lullabies. Recall the positive moments from the past and talk about a peaceful future.

Drink calming drugs to restore healthy sleep. For adults, selective inhibitors are the best group in the selection of anti-anxiety drugs. Children and pregnant women are recommended any soothing plant-based.

Previously, we talked about how Ukrainians feel because of the military invasion of Russia.

Find out also where to hide from shelling in the apartment – instructions.

Source: Segodnya

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