How to salt food so as not to harm your health

Salty food tastes better to us, but salt stimulates the appetite and is addictive. Do we need salt at all and which salt is less harmful – in the plot

Excess salt damages blood vessels, so diabetics need to reduce their intake. / Photo:

The thirst for salty, doctors say, is no less destructive than smoking: excess salt primarily affects the cardiovascular system. How to salt foods correctly, why we like to salt food, how dangerous is “oversalting” and what salt is better to add in dishes – I understood Victoria Dmitrenko.

Why do we eat a lot of salt?

We consume twice as much salt daily (up to 10 grams), exceeding the daily norm is 4 grams (teaspoon without top). According to statistics, a person can eat seven to nine kilograms of salt annually. We like salted food better: doctors explain this dependence simply.

Salt stimulates the appetite and addictive… Mostly, hidden salt enters our body as part of other products. The consequences of such eating may not be comforting at all.

How salt affects the human body

Tatiana Movchan, the cardiologist notes: excess salt really affects the cardiovascular system negatively. Especially for people who already have hypertonic disease and who have high blood pressure. And salt also removes potassium, burdens the kidneys and leads to edema.

The healthiest salt is sea salt or iodized salt

The healthiest salt is sea salt or iodized salt / Photo: Depositphotos

Victoria Krasinko, Associate Professor of the Department of Biotechnology and Microbiology of the National University of Food Technologies, emphasizes that under the influence of salt, cells lose moisture. And the loss of water is the loss of enzymatic activity, vitality, the loss of the actual ability to function actively.

Is there a healthy salt?

Therefore, the main advice: carefully control what we consume and choose the right saltsuch as marine, mineral or iodized.

But even healthy salt should also be consumed in moderation. Correct salt intake will help maintain water-salt balance and provide the vitality that sodium and chlorine provide. The easiest way to improve your health is generally refuse to add salt to food.

We also wrote earlier about products that lower blood pressure.



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