Why men consider women to be hysterical – explains the psychologist

Unfortunately, gender stereotypes are a reality that women have to live in in the 21st century.

Women’s hysteria – myth or reality / Photo: freepik.com

As crazy as it sounds, but there are still people who believe that women have smaller brains than men, and their main role on planet Earth is to be the keeper of the hearth. After all, it is so laid down by evolution for tens of thousands of years.

As for emotionality, according to stereotypes, in women it is excessive only due to a surge in hormones or PMS. We asked family psychologist and sexologist Alena Shcherban tell why many men think women are hysterical.

Family psychologist and sexologist Alena Shcherban

Family psychologist and sexologist Alena Shcherban / Photo: press service

Initially “hysteria” comes from the ancient Greek word hystera, which means “uterus”. In ancient Greece, hysteria was considered a mental disorder of women and was associated with dysfunctions of the uterus.

But over time, this disorder was revised, its symptoms were revealed from different sides, so we can say that in modern society hysteria is inherent in both men and women.

Tantrum is an effectively charged state, accompanied by a powerful emotional outburst, screams. A person throws things, falls to the floor, breaks objects, etc. We can say that this is a pathological state of the psyche, in which a pronounced demonstrative behavior is observed: screams, crying, fainting, mock loud laughter etc.

The mechanism of hysteria is as follows: the more spectators, the stronger it is.

How to recognize a hysterical person

Possible signs:

  • loud voice;
  • bright clothes;
  • evocative makeup;
  • obsession with fashion, stars, etc.

In a word, it can be any external attributes that can attract attention others.

Also, the hysteric is inclined to speak in general phrases and judgments that replace experiences for him. For example, “French wine is the tastiest wine in the world.”

The main source of hysteria is intense pain.generating an inner emptiness. A person desperately needs another person, alone with himself he feels lost, does not know who he really is, he needs an audience. This audience can be family members. They should look and applaud, but at the same time be at a distance and in no case climb on stage to hysterics.

This behavior can be unbearable, but he does not know how to do otherwise.

People with a hysterical personality also have a tendency to fantasize., instability of mood, theatricality in behavior, as well as throwing to extremes. For example, a person is indifferent, but then becomes too welcoming.

For hysterics, it is also typical to ask questions like: “Do you love me or hate me?”, “Are you for me or against me?”

The emptiness inside the hysterics is not just emptiness, but an anesthetic shell, under which the pain is hidden. This pain occurs in the background three spheres of human experience.

Experiencing excessive shyness or pressure in your parental family.

Breaking personal boundaries through sexual abuse – seduction or violence.

An experience of great loneliness. For example, a child in childhood was abandoned by his parents or did not receive enough attention.

Often tantrums happen when there are spectators or benefit. No matter how terrible a person is in hysteria, when the benefit disappears or the audience changes, it immediately stops.

Suffering tantrum is a big challenge for others, but nevertheless, the pain of hysteria should be heard. This is one of the most important tasks of psychotherapy. The loved ones of a hysterical person need to have a lot of patience – in order to help him, you yourself need to be sufficiently strong and stable.

For a hysteric, not being in the spotlight means not existing. His behavior is dramatic, unstable, manipulative. He imitates and plays to feel like he is living. He also inadequate sexual seduction with provocative behavior.

A hysterical person easily falls under the influence of others and circumstances, and also often considers the relationship more intimate and intimate than it really is.

What to do and how not to get confused if you or your loved ones have a hysteria

Hysterical crying differs from usual crying in its special storminess. It is accompanied by poorly controlled movements – wringing of hands, grabbing one’s hair. The person is conscious, but contact with him is very difficult.

It’s important to stay calm… Catch the person’s gaze and talk to him, calmly say: “Look at me.” Tell us in detail and step by step what needs to be done now. For example, “Masha, look at me. Now you are spending a lot of energy. And we need them to …” – and list what for.

You can also try gently pull the person aside… If this is not possible, it is important to speak with him in short but confident phrases, give simple instructions in a calm tone. For example, “Sit down”, “Stretch out your hand”, “Open your fists”, etc.

Encourage the person to drink the water slowly. This will help him even before he finishes.

All this can be done in a circle until the hysterics turns into ordinary crying.

Earlier we told: How to avoid childish tantrums: TOP-7 effective methods


Source From: Segodnya

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