Hidden Muses, the fragile strength of poets


Fragile, yet often able to resist and rebel.

You fall in love with life, but sometimes desperate enough to take your own life. They are the ‘hidden Muses’ of the poet and literary critic Nicola Vacca, who in his streamlined and effective anthology draws up their critical profiles highlighting the restlessness and revolt that unites them all. The twenty-four poetesses protagonists of the anthology, some well known and others forgotten, are presented by the author through brief biographical notes, their most important publications and the most significant verses. The journey begins with Emily Dickinson, who “has investigated the abysses of living”. Among the most beautiful pages, those dedicated to “poetry in the blood” by Antonia Pozzi (“she never tires of looking for an alternative to the misery and fragility of the human condition”, writes Vacca), to the “Epitaphs written on ‘aria “by the German poet Nelly Sachs (” mystical and painful witness to the Shoah “) and to the” Chiodi “by the Hungarian Ágota Kristóf (” a poem that crashes the nerves “).

It revels in discovering that many have committed suicides: Amelia Rosselli (who “upsets the patterns and forms of tradition”), Antonia Pozzi, Marina Cvetaeva (“one of the most important names in Russian poetry”), Sylvia Plath (who “wrote and lived without ever betraying the idea of ​​showing herself naked “), Claudia Ruggeri, Anne Sexton (” the most scandalous and subversive American poetess “), Nadia Campana (” her every verse is devoured by an anguish that digs into a complex language “) . But all, even those who do not reach the extreme gesture, have gone through the pain in an attempt to investigate life, or to rebel against a society that marginalized them. The other protagonists of the anthology are Nina Cassian, Jolanda Insana, Margherita Guidacci, Cristina Campo, Alejandra Pizarnik, Simone Weil, Hilde Domin, Fernanda Romagnoli, Piera Oppezzo, Paola Malavasi, Eunice Odio, Lalla Romano, Ada Negri and Giorgia de Cousandier.

“In this pressing collection of critical profiles – writes Luigi Beneduci in the preface – Nicola Vacca selects the most courageous poetic experiences of the century that has just ended.

It is often the courage offered by despair, but in it the word nevertheless manages to become the extreme bulwark of human dignity. A poem that highlights how much fragile, weak and uncertain belongs to the feminine experience, but also how tenacious can be the resistance to the evil of living by these hidden Muses “. (ANSA).


Source From: Ansa

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