what you need to know about the opening of vaccination to children from 6 months to 4 years old

Also likely to develop serious forms of Covid-19, very young children (6 months to 4 years old) with comorbidities can now be immunized. The High Authority for Health (HAS) had recommended a month ago to open vaccination to this age group which was, until then, excluded. Here’s everything you need to know about this campaign.

Which children will be able to receive the serum?

For the time being, vaccination extends only to children who present risk factors identified by the HAS. These are ten in number and are listed in a note from the Directorate General of Health sent Thursday evening to health professionals. Obesity, diabetes, trisomy 21 or even the various cardiac, respiratory or neurological pathologies are taken into account. It should also be noted that children living in the entourage of an immunocompromised person are also concerned by this campaign.

Which vaccine and how many doses?

To date, only the serum developed by Pfizer/BioNTech is recommended for immunizing this age group. Three doses are recommended by the General Directorate of Health with an interval of three weeks between the first two. It is then recommended to wait eight weeks before making the final injection. The DGS advises following this vaccination schedule in order to “guarantee optimal protection”.

Last month, the High Authority for Health highlighted an effectiveness of “80.3% against symptomatic infections”, after three doses “in all age groups from 6 months to 4 years without a history of infection”. On the other hand, in the event that the child has already contracted the disease, “a period of 3 months must be respected” before receiving the serum.

By whom and where?

The DGS indicates in its message that only doctors are authorized to vaccinate these young children. “The time of the prescription thus constitutes a privileged moment to explain the act and its importance to the parents, to answer their questions and to accompany them as well as possible”, argues the DGS. Midwives, state-certified nurses, child nurses and child nurses will also be able to administer the serum, provided that a doctor has prescribed it beforehand. Vaccination can take place in the hospital or in specialized establishments.

What conditions?

Nevertheless, the vaccination of a child at risk cannot take place without the authorization of both parents. “Unless it is impossible for one of the two parents to obtain the agreement of the other parent”, specifies the General Directorate of Health. On the other hand, the child does not have the obligation to be accompanied by one of his parents. The person who will take care of it must however prove that he does indeed have “parental consent” and “present a parental authorization form duly signed by both parents”. A document can be found here.

Source: Europe1

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