“Proper” coffee does not harm the heart: study

Many people cannot imagine their morning without a cup of aromatic coffee. Favorite drink gives a charge of vivacity and energizes for the whole day. However, very often we hear that coffee is unhealthy. Fortunately, scientists do not confirm this. Against, If you drink coffee no more than three times a day, it contributes to the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and increases life expectancy.

In fact, the main thing is to observe the measure in everything, because even healthy foods can be harmful if consumed uncontrollably. And coffee is no exception. Edition of Eat This, Not That! spoke about the latest research on the effect of coffee on the human body.

During their experiment, the scientists collected information on almost 469,000 people with healthy hearts and estimated the frequency of their coffee consumption. Participants were divided into three groups: no coffee drinkers; those who consume no more than 3 cups a day; those who drink much more of the drink.

After eleven years of analysis, medical researchers were able to obtain complete information about the effect of coffee consumption on heart function. Their findings showed that light to moderate coffee consumption reduces overall mortality by 12% compared to no coffee drinkers, and is associated with a 17% lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease and a 21% lower risk of stroke.

In addition, Dr. Pal Maurovic-Horvat notes that excessive coffee consumption also did not show a negative effect on the heart, however, there were no positive changes.

Coffee contains a large amount of antioxidants that can have anti-inflammatory effects and prevent heart disease. Since not all coffee is so useful, to achieve a positive effect, experts advise follow a few simple tips.

Consume natural coffee. Avoid flavored coffee beans and use natural ingredients like cinnamon for flavor.

Add the “right” milk. Many people like coffee with cream, but they contain too many saturated fats. Alternatively, try low-fat dairy products such as oat or soy milk.

Watch your portion. Do not abuse your favorite drink, especially outside the home. Often it contains too much sugar or syrup.

Drink coffee with meals. Caffeine can suppress appetite, which can lead to increased feelings of hunger at the end of the day. Also, avoid coffee when you’re stressed, as the combination can cause indigestion and increase anxiety.

As you can see, you can drink coffee without harming the body. Following certain rules will not only give you the pleasure of your favorite drink, but also help protect your heart and improve your health.

Earlier, GLOBAL HAPPENINGS spoke about the benefits of the famous drink. Researchers have noted that moderate coffee consumption reduces the risk of liver cancer.

Source: Obozrevatel

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