Russia says war between nuclear powers must be avoided

Just to see: Russia says it doesn’t want to use its nuclear weapons (Image: Wikimedia Commons/ Vitaly V. Kuzmin)

THE Russia believes that the risks of nuclear war should be kept to a minimum and that any armed conflict in between nuclear powers should be avoided, said the news agency Tassciting an official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Russian this Saturday (30).

Vladimir Yermakov, head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the nuclear non-proliferationsaid that all nuclear powers must adhere to the logic established in official documents in order to avoid nuclear war.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Monday (25) that the Western should not underestimate the high risks of nuclear conflict because of the Ukrainealthough the U.S later said they did not believe there was a threat from Russia using nuclear weapons despite an escalation in rhetoric from Moscow.

Nuclear war prevention logic

Yermakov on Saturday was quoted as saying that major nuclear powers must adhere to the logic enshrined in documents they jointly created.

He was referring to a joint statement published in January by Russia, China, the United Kingdom, the United States and France, in which the five countries – which are the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council— agreed that the further spread of nuclear weapons and a nuclear war should be avoided.

“The risks of nuclear war, which must never be unleashed, must be reduced to a minimum, in particular through the prevention of any armed conflict between the nuclear powers,” Yermakov quoted on Saturday. “Russia clearly follows this understanding.”

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Source: Moneytimes

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