ANP approves contractual extension of oilfield production

The ANP clarified that, with the extension of the production phase, instead of closing the concession contract on the originally scheduled date (Image: Stéferson Faria/Petrobras Agency)

THE National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) announced today (20) the contractual extension of the production phase of the East Poço Xavier (Potiguar Basin), Boa Esperança (Potiguar Basin) and Atlanta (Santos Basin) fields.

The initial maturity of the contracts was scheduled for August 5, 2025, in the case of Leste do Poço Xavier and Boa Esperança, and for December 26, 2033, for Atlanta, and was extended until December 3, 2036, August 5, 2052 and June 30, 2044, respectively.

The number of fields now reaches 56, most of them from Round Zero (1998), with the production phase extended, being 29 on land and 27 offshore, in the Campos, Recôncavo, Potiguar, Alagoas, Espírito Santo, Amazonas basins. , Santos and Camamu.

The ANP clarified that, with the extension of the production phase, instead of closing the concession contract on the originally scheduled date, production is not interrupted.

In this way, the benefits associated with it are maintained, including the payment of government participations, the contracting of services associated with the operations and the maintenance and generation of new jobs.

Another benefit, according to the agency, is that the knowledge held by the current operator allows him to build more accurate models of the behavior of the field, in order to maximize production and generate efficiency gains.

The forecast is that in the next five years the fields that have already been extended will receive investments of US$ 17.3 billion.

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Source: Moneytimes

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