Itaú (ITUB4) and two more shares enter MyCap’s weekly portfolio; check the news

MyCap’s Recommended Wallet gains three new shares this week (Image: REUTERS/Amanda Perobelli)

THE MyCap updated its weekly recommended portfolio, making three changes to the suggested portfolio for the next few days.

Alupar (ALUP11), Marfrig (MRFG3) and Ambipar (AMBP3) were removed from the composition. Space was given to assaí (ASAI3), Itaú Unibanco (ITUB4) and Saint Martin (SMTO3).

The roles of CSN (CSNA3) and klabin (KLBN11).

MyCap’s portfolio underperformed Ibovespa last week. While the index showed an appreciation of 2.65%, the broker’s portfolio showed an increase of 1.41%. In the accumulated of 2022, the portfolio increases by 4.87%.

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Source: Moneytimes

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