Inepar (INEP4), IRB (IRBR3), Rossi Resid (RSID3) and more: See the shares that lost the most value in each Government, since FHC

Find out which were the actions that lost the most value in each Government (Image: Tainá da Silva)

unique (INEP4), IRB (IRBR3)🇧🇷 Rossi Resid (RSID3)🇧🇷 Am Stainless BR (ACES4) and Noet (NETC4) make up the top 5 actions that lost the most value in each Government since the beginning of Fernando Enrique Cardoso’s (FHC) mandate, shows a survey by Economática/TC🇧🇷

The study raised the cumulative return of each company over the governments Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva🇧🇷 Dilma Rousseff🇧🇷 Michel Temer and Jair Bolsonaro🇧🇷 For this, only stocks included in the index were considered. Ibovespa at the end of each period, in order to capture the movements of the shares with greater liquidity.

Cumulative returns were adjusted for earnings and corporate events and calculated for periods between elections, that is, from October of the election year to September of the last year of the mandate. The exception is the Dilma II and Temer governments, in which impeachment was considered, so the periods are shorter.

The purpose of the survey is to identify the market’s reaction since the election of each president. Thus, the 5 stocks with the highest returns and the 5 with the lowest returns were considered.

See the stocks with the highest returns here.

The stocks that lost the most value

The shares that lost the most value since Fernando Henrique Cardoso took office were:

  • unique-95% in the FHC II government;
  • IRB, -94% in the Bolsonaro government;
  • Rossi Resid, -93% in the Dilma I Government;
  • Am Inox BR -93% in FHC I;
  • Net -92% in FHC II.
(Image: Economática/TC)

Stocks that lost the most value in each term

Government Fernando Henrique Cardoso I and II

In the first four years of Fernando Henrique Cardoso’s term, between 1995 and 1999, the biggest losses were in the actions of Am Stainless BR (ACES4) (-93%), Sharp (SHARP4) (-85%), Klabin (KLBN4) (-83%), Unipar (UNIP6) (-73%) and Braskem (BRKM5)(-69%).

(Image: Economática/TC)

In the second term, in which FHC was re-elected and remained in government until 2003, the biggest falls registered were unique (INEP4) (-95%), Net (NETC4) (-92%), Embratel (EBTP4) (-81%), Alive (VIVO4) (-62%) and Light (LIGT3) (-56%).

(Image: Economática/TC)

Lula I and II Government

In the first years of the Lula government, from 2003 to 2007, only two actions by the IBOV had negative returns, they being the light (LIGT3) (-26%) and Hi (OIBR4) (-5%).

(Image: Economática/TC)

In the second term, the biggest losses were Goal (GOLL4) (-63%), Size (Size 4) (-40%), Embraer (EMBR3) (-39%), Telemar (TNLP3) (-31%) and Cosan (CSAN3) (-24%).

(Image: Economática/TC)

Government Dilma I and II

In Dilma’s first term, between 2011 and 2015, the biggest falls were Rossi Resid (RSID3) (-93%), PDG (PDGR3) (-88%), Gafisa (GFSA3) (-74%), Usiminas (USIM5) (-71%) and Hi (OIBR4) (-70%).

(Image: Economática/TC)

In the period of 1 year and 8 months of the second term, until the impeachment in 2016, the biggest losing actions were Metalúrgica Gerdau (GOAU4) (-73%), Sugarloaf Mountain (PCAR3) (-51%), Usiminas (USIM5) (-45%), embraer (EMBR3)(-40%) and CESP (CESP6) (-34%).


Temer government

throughout the government To fearfrom August 2016 to 2019, the shares that lost the most value were Eletrobras (ELET3) (-32%), Ultrapar (UGPA3) (-46%), BRF (BRFS3)(-59%), Sky (CIEL3) (-50%) and CCR (CCRO3) (-49%).

(Image: Economática/TC)

Bolsonaro government

In the most recent government, Jair Bolsonarowho assumed the presidency between 2019 and 2023, the biggest drops were IRB Brazil (IRBR3) (-94%), CVC (CVCB3) (-84%), Cogna (COGN3) (-74%), sky (-46%) and Braskem (BRKM5)🇧🇷


Source: Moneytimes

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