Collective holidays: Who is entitled and how does it work?

Understand how it works and the rules on collective holidays (Image: Pixabay/mrpixel000)

With the month of December, purchases of Christmas🇧🇷 13th salary and the possibility of collective vacation in the companieswhich generally release employees during the holiday season.

the release of collective vacation demands compliance with some labor rules and there are specificities in relation to the time and model of work of the workers. Therefore, the Money Times spoke with specialists in the subject to clarify the main doubts.

Group vacation guide

Josué Pereira de Oliveira, labor consultant at Confirp Consultoria Contábil, and Paulo Faganello, director of the personnel department at Razonet Contabilidade Digital, clarify the main questions about the collective vacation, who has the right and how it works. Check out.

Who has the right?

Faganello points out that the entire company or certain departments can go into recess simultaneously, usually when there is less demand from customers or when the company deems it convenient.

Regarding interns, he points out that they are also entitled, however, they do not receive an increase of 1/3 of the wage🇧🇷 The personnel department specialist also points out that the employee is required to take collective vacation when established by the company.

In the case of employees who have not yet completed the period of entitlement to vacation, Josué Oliveira explains that it is necessary to define how many days the employee has the right, considering the length of service and existing absences in the period.

Thus, if this employee is entitled to fewer days than the company stipulated for collective vacationthis employee will be on paid leave.

How does the payment work?

Oliveira explains that, despite the doubts regarding the collective vacationworks in the same way as individual vacations, that is, there is salary payment with an additional 1/3.

“Recalling that in case the employee has not completed a year of work, the payment will be proportional to the vacation period he is entitled to and the remainder will be given as paid leave”, he points out.


Experts explain that recess can be divided into up to two periods that must be at least 10 days.

What are the rules?

Finally, check out the general rules explained by the experts:

  • The employee does not need to complete one year at the company to be entitled to the collective vacation🇧🇷
  • The employer must notify the labor inspection agency 15 days in advance (except micro and small companies – these only need to inform the employee);
  • Workers must also be notified, but in this case, 30 days in advance, through internal communications.
  • At collective vacation do not necessarily cover all employees of a company, and may apply only to some sectors.

Source: Moneytimes

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