How to skin a fish: several options for cutting

Each dish may have its own nuances in cleaning and preparing fish.

How to skin a fish: tips / Photo: Pexels, Collage: Today

Earlier, we already talked about how to clean fish simply and quickly so that the scales do not scatter all over the kitchen. Now let’s take a closer look at this stage – how to skin a fish

Do you want to make a neat fillet or stuff fish for a festive table? Depending on the purpose and dishes, the cutting of fish can vary greatly. But there are ways to make this process easier.

How to skin a fish: life hacks

  • Life hack 1. Fillet cutting
How to fillet fish / Photo: istockphoto

How to fillet fish / Photo: istockphoto

In the process of cutting, the fish is first cleaned of scales, then it must be washed, dried with a paper towel, cut off the head, fins, tail, and remove the insides. To take off the skin need a sharp knife
. It must be brought between the meat and the skin, pressed tightly against it and held along the carcass. So there is no meat left on the skin. And the skin itself, the head and the spine can be used for fish soup.

  • Life hack 2. Using boiling water

Place the cleaned fish in a deep bowl and scald her with boiling water
from all sides. In this case, the skin will easily move away and be removed with a sharp knife.

  • Life hack 3. In parts
How to fillet fish / Photo: pexels

How to fillet fish / Photo: pexels

If you need to fillet a large fish, then you can first cut her into pieces
and then cut off the skin with a sharp knife.

  • Life hack 4. Freeze
How to fillet fish / Photo: pexels

How to fillet fish / Photo: pexels

In some cases, the skin can even be removed along with the scales before cutting. It will be easier to do it in advance put the fish in the freezer for half an hour
so that it hardens, but does not freeze.

  • Life hack 5. Cutting for stuffing
How to fillet fish / Photo: pinterest

How to fillet fish / Photo: pinterest

To prepare a stuffed dish, for example, from pike, need full skin
. The fish is also cleaned of scales. Then you need to cut off the head, you can not completely, but leave it from the back if you want to arrange a finished dish with it. Gut and wash the fish. Next, from the side of the cut edge, separate the meat from the skin with your fingers. Gradually turn inside out and gently pull the skin together like a stocking. Having reached the fins from the inside, cut them off with scissors so as not to damage the integrity of the skin. Near the tail, chop off the end of the spine, leaving the tail with the skin.

Earlier, we talked about how to store fish so that it stays fresh longer.

Source: Segodnya

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