From snack thief to Ukrainian interpreter for Caritas

Ansa Live 6pm (ANSA)

(ANSA) – ANCONA, MAY 17 – From snack thief to translator for Caritas, to help refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine. It is the story of a 17-year-old Ukrainian who has lived for years in Ancona with his mother. Four years ago the minor was reported for aggravated theft because together with other friends he had ransacked a vending machine for snacks and drinks inside a self-service shop open 24 hours a day, in the Adriatic district, near the Passetto. The glass of the machine was broken, so the 17-year-old and five other minors had arrived with a shopping cart to take everything inside. Then they had gone to party on the beach, at the Passetto, taking the public elevator, whose security cameras had filmed everything. It took the police a short time to locate the group, who had returned from the beach and stopped by the police a few hundred meters away, in Piazza Diaz. The boys were all reported for aggravated theft. For two of them, the Ukrainian and an Albanian, a preliminary hearing was scheduled today at the Ancona Juvenile Court, after the Prosecutor had asked for indictment, but both asked for probation to avoid trial. The request was accepted by judge Laura Seveso and will last eight months. The Ukrainian, who is a high school student, has chosen to make himself useful precisely in the pastoral organization that is close to his compatriots at the moment. After his probation, the 17-year-old also said he is ready to return to Ukraine to defend his country if war continues. The Albanian, now 18, will volunteer at Father Guido’s Mensa del Povero. (HANDLE).

Source: Ansa

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