Quantum computers need time, still too many errors

Cinema, Carlo Verdone talks about his characters in

(ANSA) – UDINE, June 17 – The first quantum computers, Nisq (Noisy intermediate-scale quantum), already exist and are being developed by some of the main players in the ICT industry worldwide, but “they are computers with a hundred qubits still too noisy, that is, they still make ‘too many mistakes’ to be able to trust the result “. However, “the NISQ era will end when we have an object with around 10,000 qubits and with sufficient automatic error correction.” So to have quantum computers, “according to the most optimists ten years will be enough, more cautiously I would say that the youngest of us will see a quantum computer in operation”. The theoretical physicist Pasquale Calabrese, lecturer at Sissa in Trieste, who recently participated in the latest Solvay Conference on Physics in Brussels, is convinced of this. A prestigious appointment: only 50 scholars from all over the world attended by invitation, including 4 Nobel Laureates.

“The theme of the Solvay conference – explains Calabrese – was ‘The physics of quantum information’, a subject that has applications in very different fields of science from information in black holes to future quantum computers, obviously passing through standard quantum systems as devices solid state and ultracold gas “. Among the fields of application of future quantum computers is cryptography. “Modern cryptography is based on encryption keys based on the product of very large prime numbers that a normal computer is unable to factorize and therefore to hack the key – explains Calabrese – and one of the main algorithms of quantum computing is the Shor algorithm for the prime factorization which is much more ‘effective and faster’ than a classical algorithm could. A quantum computer could hack any classical communication, but fortunately – continues the scientist – universities have already developed quantum cryptography which cannot be hacked “. (HANDLE).

Source: Ansa

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