How to get rid of moles in the garden (photo)

A small mole is capable of doing big trouble on the site, if it is not driven away.

How to get rid of moles in the area / Photo: Pixabay

With all its harmlessness and blindness moles cause significant damage
garden. It is difficult to fight them, but it is possible, and in completely humane ways. Those. both the animal and your crop will remain safe and sound. But this will require some effort.

In fact, moles do not hunt for plants, but for insect pests. But at the same time, they themselves often cause irreparable harm to plantings, which annoys summer residents. They are dig long passages and tunnels in the groundbecause of which the plants suffer and die, and the area dug up by the mole takes on an unsightly appearance.

How to get rid of a mole on the site: life hacks

  • Turntables.
    Set up a turntable made of cans or a plastic bottle on a wooden or metal stick that is stuck into the ground in the garden. When the wind blows, the spinner will spin, and the vibration from it will be transmitted through the stick to the ground. This irritant makes the moles leave the chosen territory.
    How to get rid of moles

    How to get rid of moles / Photo: Pinterest

  • Traps
    . Unlike store designs that kill animals, you can build a harmless trap, which in the future will allow you to take the mole away from the dacha and release it there. Dig deeper into the molehill and place a glass jar or plastic bucket in the hole. Pour some earth at the bottom and put a couple of earthworms there – they will attract the mole. Cover the top of the molehill with a sheet of plywood or metal. It is optimal to set the trap at night and check the catch in the morning.
    The mole can be caught and released elsewhere / Photo: pixabay

    The mole can be caught and released elsewhere / Photo: pixabay

  • Fragrant repellers
    . Instead of vision, these blind pests have a very developed sense of smell, which is in the hands of gardeners. Animals do not like the smell of coffee, hot peppers, garlic, fish, castor oil, gasoline, fuel oil. You can selectively bury strong-smelling repellers in the area, preferably around the entire perimeter. Having stumbled upon such “surprises”, the mole will hasten to leave your garden.
    Moles do not like the smell of coffee / Photo: pixabay

    Moles do not like the smell of coffee / Photo: pixabay

  • Sound repellers.
    An original and effective way to get rid of a mole is to make him listen to loud music, like an unloved neighbor. Summer residents are advised to take a battery-powered radio, turn it on, put it in a plastic bag and put it in a molehill. The earth transmits sound and vibration well, and therefore the moles tend to quickly leave the unfavorable territory.
  • Plants.
    You can plant plants around the perimeter of the garden or in the garden that moles do not like. And combine the useful with the pleasant, because many cultures can be used in the kitchen. It can be onions, garlic, dill, basil, celery, as well as marigolds, imperial hazel grouse. But the roots of daffodils are generally toxic to moles.
    Garlic scares away moles / Photo: pixabay

    Garlic scares away moles / Photo: pixabay

  • Fence.
    In order to prevent the settlement of moles around the site at all, you need to make a fence around its perimeter in advance. For example, dig a fence to a depth of at least a meter and high-rises of 20 cm. Or dig a moat around the dacha filled with broken slate, glass or brick. A net with small cells dug into the ground will also help against moles. Having stumbled upon such an obstacle, the mole takes its tunnel to the side.
    A fence can stop moles / Photo: pixabay

    A fence can stop moles / Photo: pixabay

Earlier we talked about how to use ashes in the garden. They also published simple and cheap life hacks on how to deal with pests in their summer cottage.

Source: Segodnya

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