Lunar calendar for gardening and gardening for july 2022

Unfavorable days for work on the site are July 13, 14, 15, 28, and you can work fruitfully on the 1, 6, 8, 12, 16, 22, 27, 31 numbers.

Lunar calendar for the garden and vegetable garden for July / Photo: Unsplash

At the height of summer, to get a rich, kind, generous tasty harvest, follow the recommendations lunar calendar
. It will help you find out the most favorable days for the main summer work in the garden – sowing and planting, as well as top dressing, pruning, pest control and harvesting.

Lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners for July 2022

July 1.
The day is suitable for pruning trees and shrubs. You can collect seeds, fruits, root crops and make preparations for the winter. It is good to remove weeds, and plant green manure on empty beds. You can dig bulbous flowers, dry and store.

July 2nd
Apply fertilizer under berry bushes. It is especially useful to do this after rains, because water leaches all useful substances from the soil.

3 July.
Pinch the tops of currants and apple trees so that they are better prepared for winter, bloom more abundantly and bear fruit next year. After harvesting raspberries, cut off fruiting stems, diseased and broken shoots.

4th of July.
Feed the flowers with fertilizers with a low nitrogen content and a sufficient amount of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium. You can freeze harvested fruits and vegetables.

5’th of July.
Mow the grass under fruit trees so that it does not take away nutrients. You can spud potatoes, cabbage, leeks, asparagus. Keep digging up bulbous flowers.

July 6th
Nice day to collect seeds. You can feed the lawn with nitrogen fertilizers. A good day for transplanting indoor flowers. You can install supports under shrubs, climbing and tall plants, fight pests and diseases.

July 7th
Feed fruit trees with complex fertilizer to lay the crop for next year. This is done after harvesting the fruit. It is useful to carry out thinning of crops of carrots, beets, sprinkling indentations with ash.

July 8.
The right time for planting and pinching cucumbers, pinching tomatoes, digging up hyacinths, daffodils and tulips. A good period for dividing and transplanting irises. Any crop can be re-planted.

July 9th
Feed gourds, potatoes, cabbage, onions, pumpkin, cucumbers with a solution of ash, spraying it on the leaves.

10 July.
It is useful to water the beets with salted water for more sweetness. A good day for harvesting and conservation. Collect carrion damaged by diseases or pests, and destroy spoiled fruits and berries. But do not work with the earth and remove weeds.

July 11th.
If there are many fruits on the trees, install props under the branches that will protect them from breaking off. You can harvest raspberries and black currants.

July, 12.
It is useful to engage in the propagation of roses and other perennials by cuttings, the rooting of garden strawberry whiskers, and the collection of ripe seeds of vegetable and flower plants. You can re-sow green crops, radishes, radishes. A good day for fertilizing fruit trees and shrubs with organic matter.

July 13.
It is good to loosen tree trunks, carry out pest control and change trapping belts. Put props under the branches of apple trees. You don’t need to plant or transplant anything.

the 14 th of July.
For cucumbers and tomatoes, put a container with a fermenting infusion of stepsons or nettles in the greenhouse. Add compost, humus or earth under the cucumber bushes – so they will be stronger.

July 15.
On this day, planting and transplanting any plants is undesirable. You can start preparing the land for future seedlings. Prepare green manure, manage the compost heap, fight weeds, pests and diseases, cut dry branches on trees and shrubs.

July 16.
Feed carrots, peppers, and eggplants with ash, bringing it into the beds after watering. Any crop can be sown for re-harvest. Water plantings, trees and shrubs.

July 17th.
After harvesting raspberries and currants, weed the bushes, feed or mulch with compost, cut off diseased, old and thickened branches. You can pin a branch to the ground with a wire to propagate the bush.

18 July.
On this day, you can spud cabbage. Water the plants, cut, carry out foliar feeding. You can preserve, cook jam. Trim trees and shrubs. Feed the berries. But the day is unfavorable for pest and disease control.

July 19.
Harvest and store it. Keep making preparations for the winter. Take care of the compost heap. It is useful to spray tomatoes with a solution of boric acid.

July 20.
A good day for gathering medicinal herbs as well as weed control. Apply fertilizer under strawberries. Loosen the soil and spud the bushes.

21 July.
Spray peppers and eggplants for aphids. Pinch the chrysanthemums – this contributes to the formation of thicker branches and abundant flowering.

22 July.
A suitable day for collecting root crops, blanks for the winter. Make jam, dry herbs, freeze vegetables and fruits. Pinch off the tops of mature tomatoes and eggplants. Sow green and leafy crops, peas, herbs for re-harvest. Fertilizing plants with organic fertilizers is useful.

23 July.
Remove dry branches, unnecessary stems, stepchildren on tomatoes. Pinch pumpkin, Brussels sprouts. Tie tall flowers – dahlias, gladioli, delphiniums. Feed peonies with a full fertilizer or spread humus and compost around the bushes.

July 24th.
Continue to tie up tomatoes, cucumbers, put supports under tall flowers. Remove dry flower stalks, diseased leaves from faded perennials. It is useful to feed them with humus or complex fertilizer.

July 25th.
Break off stepchildren from corn. It is useful to fight pests, mow the grass, engage in earthworks: weeding, hilling, mulching. You can mow the lawn, collect spicy and medicinal herbs. No need to water.

26 July.
In the midst of fruiting tomatoes, it is useful to fertilize with ash, potassium and phosphorus fertilizer and water it on moist soil under the bushes.

July 27th.
The day is suitable for sowing green crops, leafy, root crops. Sow green manure on the vacated beds. Water the plants. You can thin out carrots, beets, radishes, radishes and other plantings.

July 28th.
On this day, you do not need to plant or transplant anything. You can spud planting and weed weeds. Tie tall flowers.

July 29.
Collect spicy herbs for harvesting: basil, lemon balm, as well as parsley, dill. Pinch off the tops of the thyme so that it has time to build up mass for harvesting for drying in August.

July 30th.
Harvest cucumbers, zucchini, squash in time. Also a good day for collecting seeds, root vegetables and fruits. Make preparations for the winter. Trim trees and shrubs, mow hay. Digging up bulbous flowers.

July 31st.
Process strawberries: remove old leaves, loosen, feed with humus, ash. Also a good day for working with the earth and fertilizing. Freeze fruits and vegetables.

Earlier we talked about what indoor flowers bring happiness and love to the house. Also, learn how to use sugar in your garden.

Source: Segodnya

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