How to get rid of spider mites: folk methods

Air, water, soap – what other means will help defeat the parasite on indoor plants.

How to get rid of spider mites / Photo: Pixabay

Home flowers have many enemies. If you notice a thin cobweb on your favorite indoor plant, it was probably attacked by a colony spider mites
. Due to the high fertility and excellent appetite, the spider mite is able to completely destroy home flowers.

The spider mite is a small arthropod creature up to 1 mm in size. He eats plant sap many indoor flowers
preferring balsams, ficuses, citrus fruits, hibiscus and roses.

In a single copy, it is not visible to the naked eye. But when the tick formed a colony and began to cause serious damage to flowers
– it’s hard not to notice. A tick-infected flower acquires a marble leaf color, drying and deformation. In this case, the spider mite multiplies rapidly and moves to neighboring plants.

To save plants from spider mites, you can use folk tips and recipes

How to deal with spider mites: life hacks

  • Moisture
    . Most types of spider mites do not like high humidity. To combat them, try to spray the flowers more often, as well as keep the humidity at a high level.
    Spider mites do not tolerate high humidity / Photo: pinterest

    Spider mites do not tolerate high humidity / Photo: pinterest

  • Air
    . Spider mites do not tolerate fresh air well, so ventilate more often. In addition, after finding the parasite, wash the frame and window sill with hot water and detergent.
  • soap solution
    . Take 200 g of laundry soap, grate and dilute in a bucket of warm water. The solution must be infused for 3 hours, and then you can spray the infected plants.
    Ticks do not like soap / Photo: pinterest

    Ticks do not like soap / Photo: pinterest

  • alcohol solution
    . Make a solution at the rate of 10 ml of ammonia per 3 liters of water. Spray the leaves of an infected plant or wipe with a cloth soaked in the solution.
  • yarrow
    . Prepare an infusion by pouring 400 g of dry leaves into 5 liters of boiling water. Infuse for three days, and then spray the plant.
    Spray the infected plant / Photo: pinterest

    Spray the infected plant / Photo: pinterest

  • Garlic
    . Grate 500 g of garlic, pour 3 liters of water and leave for 5 days. Then the plant is sprayed with a solution or the leaves are wiped with a napkin dipped in garlic water.

Earlier we talked about how to save cyclamen. Also read our tips on how to grow exotic at home from a seed: TOP-7 interesting plants with photos.

Source: Segodnya

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