Drought, green light for the state of emergency for five Regions

The CDM has approved a state of emergency due to drought for Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lombardy, Veneto and Piedmont. According to ministerial sources, 10.9 million are expected for Emilia Romagna, 4.2 million for Friuli Venezia Giulia, 9 million for Lombardy, 7.6 million for Piedmont and 4.8 million for Veneto.

“The state of emergency is a first step to meet this umpteenth emergency, that of drought. Within this decree, over 35 million have already been allocated to be distributed among the five regions involved. The government will not stop there, we there will be other measures and we are focused on earning the resources of the NRP dedicated to this issue “. This was stated by the Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies Mariastella Gelmini, coming out of the meeting of the Council of Ministers on the subject of drought, which approved the state of emergency for five regions.

“We were the first in Italy, precisely on April 21, to ask for a state of emergency for drought because the indicators were already evident two months ago. So the government’s choice to grant us a state of emergency is welcome. understand the details and we await the appointment of the commissioner and any sub commissioners so that we can be operational with quick interventions. Then there is an aspect, the financial one, which we believe is essential to give relief to those who have suffered damage “. ‘ANSA on the drought the governor of Veneto Luca Zaia. “I also hope – underlines Zaia – that some chapters of the NRP will be reviewed and that European funds will be taken advantage of, for example, for the cleaning of mountain reservoirs, for the creation of new reservoirs, perhaps from disused quarries, to help agriculture so that it can be used non-sieve forms of irrigation since the open channeling has a fearful dispersion of the water resource. We must focus on arid-culture modes, Israeli type, where there is the pipe with the drop for many crops, rather than on rain irrigation, where the rain system is much less wasteful on the water resource front than the canalization “. “We need to think about the future and use more resources of the NRP to safeguard water – concludes the governor -. Finally, I reiterate the message of common sense to the citizens: we do not waste water and pay maximum attention to fires, avoiding as much as possible lighting fires “.

Source: Ansa

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