Passionate about the mountains, pay attention also in the Apennines

Mollicone murder, the lawyer of Serena's father:

(ANSA) – PERUGIA, 04 JUL – The risks of the ice that melts on the mountains due to the great heat also concern the Apennines and not only the Alps. year that mountaineers and experts avoid “. To tell ANSA this is Urbano Barelli, an Umbrian lawyer and a great lover of the mountains, engaged as project manager of the Lombardy Region for the environmental assessments and authorizations of the Pnrr. “The environmental drama on the Marmolada was predictable – he claims – and perhaps even the human one could have been avoided with the caution of a mountain dweller: you don’t go up on ice or glaciers when the temperature is too high and when they are melting”.

For Barelli “the drama that took place on the Marmolada glacier is also the result of the inattention and delay with which the climate crisis is tackled”. “On the Marmolada – Barelli says – I went on skis from the side served by the three sections of cable car that go up from Malga Ciapela.

I remember that the first time, it must have been in the mid-80s, I went up in the middle of summer when summer skiing was still practiced on the glacier. Then the snow was more abundant than today and you could ski on the glacier in August with the marvelous spectacle of the Dolomites and the Sella Group in front.

Over the years the situation has worsened, the glacier has shrunk, you no longer ski in summer, but even in winter the snow is sometimes insufficient, especially on the very long 12-kilometer run that reaches from 3270 meters at Punta di Rocca. it reaches the 1,450 meters of Malga Ciapela “. (ANSA).

Source: Ansa

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