Ivan Kupala-2022: traditions, customs and rituals for unmarried girls

During the celebration of Ivan Kupala, girls perform magical rites to attract love

Rites for Ivan Kupala / Photo: Depositphotos, Collage: Today

Already this night from 6 to 7 July, celebrate Ivan Kupala. Folk traditions, rituals and rituals of this holiday are associated with water, fire and healing herbs.

It is believed that on the Kupala holiday, water is married with fire, and therefore ritual actions during this period are especially important for unmarried girls and women.

Ivan Kupala-2022: rituals for unmarried

  • Weave a wreath of fragrant herbs and wildflowers and throw it to float on the water. It is believed that in the direction where the wreath will float, or near the shore to which it will land, your betrothed lives.
    Weave a wreath of herbs and flowers / Photo: pinterest

    Weave a wreath of herbs and flowers / Photo: pinterest

  • It is especially good to jump into the water so that the wreath from the head floats on the water. A good sign for Ivan Kupala, when during this ceremony a wreath did not drown, but swam. The direction of his movement will indicate where the matchmakers are expected from.
    Throw a wreath to float on the water / Photo: pinterest

    Throw a wreath to float on the water / Photo: pinterest

  • Bathing – one of the main rites of Ivan Kupala. It is believed that on this night the water will help the girl to become more beautiful.
  • Another rite on Ivan Kupala, which is associated with water, is washing with dew. Such a ceremony is also considered a kind of life hack for the beauty of a woman. Those who are especially thrifty can collect Kupala dew in a bottle. It is believed that such water helps to get rid of acne, and the skin becomes tender.
  • Good for Ivan Kupala soak in the bath or a sauna with brooms of fragrant herbs collected the day before. The Slavs believed that the bath on the day of Ivan Kupala helps to strengthen and restore women’s vitality and health.
  • Herbs on Ivan Kupala have great healing power. Remember the legend about fern flower. And although this is only a popular belief, in order to improve their marital status, and perhaps get married, girls can collect chamomile, thyme, string, lovage and wormwood. Flowers can be woven into a wreath. And you can dry these herbs and bathe in them throughout the year to increase female strength.
    Fern flower - a symbol of love / Photo: pinterest

    Fern flower – a symbol of love / Photo: pinterest

  • Another herb of Ivan Kupala is tirlich. In the old days, girls made a decoction from it and, in order to attract the attention of the chosen one, sentenced three times special words:”Tirlich, tirlich! Call my dear!“. Such a ceremony on Ivan Kupala was carried out so that the girl would marry faster.
  • But the traditional jumping over fire it is better to do it with the future chosen one. With such a jump, holding hands, you will strengthen your future alliance.
    Jumping over fire will increase love / Photo: pinterest

    Jumping over fire will increase love / Photo: pinterest

  • There is a special sign on Ivan Kupala: if you jump over the fire three times, then the next year will be prosperous and happy.

Earlier we told you when we celebrate the feast of Peter and Paul in 2022. Also find out the exact dates of the summer holidays of the Spasov in 2022.

Source: Segodnya

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