Drought: Friuli Plain reclamation, rains do not overcome crisis

Cannabis, the States General for legalization in Milan (ANSA)

(ANSA) – UDINE, 08 JUL – Yesterday’s rains brought “only local benefits to the severe water shortage of recent months”, with “noteworthy” rainfall only in the Pantianicco area with about 28 mm and Lestizza with 24 mm, while on the Tagliamento mountain basin there was no significant rainfall. “Problematic” is the situation of the derivation from the Torre a Zompitta stream, which compromises the irrigation operation in the systems served by the Udine and Palma canals. This is the balance drawn up today by the technicians of the Friuli Plain Reclamation Consortium.

The water scarcity, the Consortium announces, “forces us to proceed with the drying of the Cividina canal from tomorrow”, while in the Middle Friuli, where the trend of lowering of the water table continues, the Consortium “is implementing the measures necessary to keep it functioning in any case the plants “.

Still critical situation in the western Lower Plain, especially in Muzzana, Pocenia, and Rivignano Teor, where water scarcity does not allow to guarantee irrigation for all the lands. In the eastern Lower Plain, the levels of the canals are further lowering, even if the Consortium is currently able to guarantee irrigation services in all areas.

“Given the above picture – informs the president of the Consortium, Rosanna Clocchiatti – the Administrative Deputation believes that there is a high probability of not being able to ensure irrigation in various areas of the district. To limit the damage to crops, the Deputation has provided the consortium offices with operational priorities in ensuring the irrigation service: multi-year crops (orchards and vineyards), corn and medical crops; first crop soybeans and sunflowers, second crop soybeans “. “This is not a discretionary choice – specifies Clocchiatti – the only objective is to ensure irrigation for as many lands as possible. By distributing the little water present to everyone, one would end up compromising a greater number of crops”. (HANDLE).

Source: Ansa

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