How to remove greasy stains from clothes

There are several proven ways to remove greasy stains on fabric, the main thing is to do it as quickly as possible.

How to remove greasy stains from clothes / Photo: Collage: Today

If possible, try to remove the stain, as soon as you planted it
… The less it has time to eat into the fibers of the fabric, the more successful the procedure for cleansing it will be.

Before you choose any of the methods, check the action of the active ingredient. on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing
so that there are no stains left from the stain remover now.

You need to process the stain, moving from the edges to the center
so that the remaining fat does not spread further through the tissue.

But after removing fat you need wash a thing in the usual way
so that there is no trace of the stain.

How to remove greasy stains: life hacks

  • Life hack 1. Detergent
How to remove a greasy stain / Photo: pinterest

How to remove a greasy stain / Photo: pinterest

All dishwashing liquids and gels are designed specifically for splitting and removing fat
… So, such funds will cope with stained fabric in no time. It is advisable to use a colorless product to avoid staining the fabric. Spread out the clothes and spray the stain with the product. Use your fingers to gently rub it into the fabric, hold it for a couple of minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water. Check the result and repeat the procedure if necessary.

  • Life hack 2. Laundry soap
How to remove a greasy stain / Photo: pinterest

How to remove a greasy stain / Photo: pinterest

It is also a reliable assistant in the fight against any dirt on the fabric, both fresh and old. If you have a white cloth, it is advisable to take whitening soap
, and for color, take without it. Dampen the stain with warm water and lather well. Leave the clothes on for a few minutes for the soap to work. Then rub the spot well and rinse thoroughly in warm water.

  • Life hack 3. Shampoo
How to remove a greasy stain / Photo: pinterest

How to remove a greasy stain / Photo: pinterest

This method allows you to handle even delicate fabrics
… Take a shampoo for oily hair. It breaks down oily stains perfectly. Dampen the stain on your clothes, rub some shampoo into it and leave it on for a few minutes. Then scrub off the dirt and rinse in warm water.

  • Life hack 4. Salt
How to remove a greasy stain / Photo: pinterest

How to remove a greasy stain / Photo: pinterest

If the stain is fresh, immediately sprinkle with table salt and rub in lightly. Salt is capable of pull fat even from the backbone of the fibers
… Leave the garment for 20 minutes and then brush off the salt. Then wash your clothes.

  • Life hack 5. Starch
How to remove a greasy stain / Photo: pinterest

How to remove a greasy stain / Photo: pinterest

This fat removal method is suitable for delicate fabrics. Pour the potato starch into a small container, stirring occasionally, heat over a fire and apply to the greasy stain. Hot starch powder
softens fat and absorbs it immediately. Wipe gently and replace the starch with a new one as it cools until it has absorbed all the fat.

Watch the video on how to give a second life to unnecessary things:

Earlier we talked about how to remove the spools from clothes.


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