How to save crops from frost

Raspberries and grapes become watery after frost, but carrots and Jerusalem artichoke are perfectly stored in the ground.

What to do with frozen fruits / Photo: Collage: Today

What kind fruits are afraid of frost
and lose their properties, and what can you not even dig out of the ground? What to do with the harvest if frost suddenly struck, and you did not have time to harvest it? Read the answers and life hacks in our article.

How to save the crop from frost: life hacks

Lifehack 1. Grapes

  How to save fruits from frost / Photo: unsplash

How to save fruits from frost / Photo: unsplash

It is important to have time to remove the grapes before the first frost, since basically all varieties are very sensitive to frost. The berries lose their taste, and if you were going to make wine, then they become unsuitable for this. It is optimal to cut the grapes after ripening, and cut the bushes and cover them for the winter.

  • Life hack 1. Apples
  How to save fruits from frost / Photo: pixabay

How to save fruits from frost / Photo: pixabay

If apples remain on the tree after the onset of frost, their pulp loses its taste and structure, becomes wadded and loose. Fruits in their raw form will no longer be able to be sent for long-term storage, it is desirable to rework them for juice and jam as quickly as possible.

  • Lifehack 2. Pears
  How to save fruits from frost / Photo: pixabay

How to save fruits from frost / Photo: pixabay

A pear feels the same in frost. It will begin to rot quickly, and its keeping quality and taste deteriorates significantly… Therefore, it is best to recycle frozen pears.

  • Lifehack 3. Raspberry
  How to save fruits from frost / Photo: pixabay

How to save fruits from frost / Photo: pixabay

This is another fruit and berry crop that is negatively affected by changes in temperature and cold. Raspberry after frost becomes watery, loses its taste and deteriorates quickly… It must either be frozen urgently before it has melted many times, or you need to cook jam or compote.

  • Lifehack 4. Beets
  How to save fruits from frost / Photo: pixabay

How to save fruits from frost / Photo: pixabay

Beets suffer from frost, and the harvest harvested after a cold snap not stored for a long time… Many summer residents make a mistake when they leave root crops in the ground for a longer time so that they accumulate vitamins. You can save them only by recycling them.

  • Life hack 5. Pumpkin
  How to save fruits from frost / Photo: pixabay

How to save fruits from frost / Photo: pixabay

The pumpkin also does not like frost and begins to deteriorate and rot quickly. But you can protect the crop if before frost cover it with covering material.

  • Lifehack 6. Cabbage
  How to save fruits from frost / Photo: pixabay

How to save fruits from frost / Photo: pixabay

But cabbage of late varieties not afraid of light frost down to -5 ° С… On the contrary, it is even useful to remove it after small frosts – this vegetable is better stored from cooling and does not wither.

  • Life hack 7. Carrots
  How to save fruits from frost / Photo: pixabay

How to save fruits from frost / Photo: pixabay

Unlike beets, this root vegetable does not mind frost at all. Many summer residents even leave the crop in the garden before the onset of winter cold. Carrots are hardened and retain their freshness for longer.

  • Lifehack 8. Jerusalem artichoke
  How to save fruits from frost / Photo: pixabay

How to save fruits from frost / Photo: pixabay

Another root crop that does not care about frost. Jerusalem artichoke in general tolerates winter well in soil, and you can dig it up as needed. Many people keep it in the ground, and not in special storage facilities.

Watch the video on how to prepare a summer cottage for a cold snap:

Earlier, we talked about how to properly clean the greenhouse in the fall: the important steps.


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