Maneuver, on family and businesses, the government opens in Calenda

The government opens in Calenda after the meeting with Prime Minister Meloni. He will evaluate ‘every proposal’ from the Third Pole on families and businesses, Palazzo Chigi says.

Helping businesses to face the digital transformation and strengthen the family package, especially the parental leave chapter. The government is ready to examine in detail all the proposals made by Carlo Calenda during the meeting with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. And, in particular, on some there is already potential availability. The opening comes the day after the face to face between the prime minister and the leader of Action, creating some discontent in the majority. Primarily within Forza Italia, where the suspicions that the third pole could turn into a crutch for the executive in an anti-azzurri key are still very much alive. Silvio Berlusconi, perhaps not by chance, makes himself heard again and makes precise requests: “We will ask the majority for a further commitment on the tax relief of new hires” and “to increase the lowest pensions, seriously eroded by inflation”. Come on Italy, guarantees the Cav, “it will give a concrete and qualified contribution to the writing of a text that addresses the most serious emergency, that of expensive energy, but which must begin to design the Italy of the future”, he warns. At the same time, the blue minister Anna Maria Bernini responds in kind to the accusations of the leader of Action of sabotaging Meloni: “We voted for the maneuver, not only are we not sabotaging it, but we like it a lot”. Forza Italia is “numerically irreplaceable”, party sources point out and the Third Pole “is only looking for a way to get out of the corner. If they then want to vote for the maneuver, so be it…”. Calenda a government ally? “We will have him open a construction site too”, the leader of the League Matteo Salvini sharply ironizes.

Sparks also in the opposition. For the 5 stars, Calenda’s way of doing is already that of those who “are already organic to the majority”. He charges rejected to the sender by the person concerned: “How many conspiracies on such a normal fact: the opposition proposing alternatives on the budget law. We have forgotten how to work in a democracy”. An approach that finds positive feedback from the parliamentary structure of FdI: “I believe that ideas must be listened to, let’s see – comments the deputy Walter Rizzetto -. Clearly net of the resources to be evaluated”. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is working on its counter-maneuver. And Letta, at the Nazarene, inaugurated real parallel consultations: first with the associations of traders and artisans, then with Confindustria and the trade unions. “It is only a decree that serves to pass the next three months – the dem leader points his finger -. There is no dimension of annual planning. This short-term horizon is bleak”. Furthermore, “it cuts on services and health care, it still and always raises funds for the poor. It’s called inequity and social injustice”. Among his proposals, the following stand out: the minimum wage, the structural cut of the tax wedge, the extension of the Women’s Option and the Ape Sociale, the reform of the basic income and the introduction of the food income. Again: the national ceiling on the price of electricity (100 euro MWh), the introduction of the ‘social light contract’ to reduce the bills of households and businesses and the strengthening of the tax on extra profits. If Palazzo Chigi’s approach also remains open to other minority forces, the approach of the Third Pole was certainly appreciated, which – in making its requests – would have sought possible points of contact with the executive

CGIL and UIL towards mobilization, the CISL says no to the strike and focuses on the confrontation set for December 7. Very tight times for the green light from Parliament, the text will arrive in the Chamber in the Chamber for the first reading only on 20 December.

“I find the criticisms leveled at the Third Pole surreal because Calenda presented alternative proposals and amendments to President Meloni. For us, being in opposition means putting forward credible alternative proposals: it is true that when Meloni was in opposition he did not behave like this and indeed she attacked us in a superficial and indifferent way, but the fact that she was wrong today does not matter: we care about the institutions and we do whatever it takes to make them more civilized”. You write it on your enews referring to yesterday’s meeting at Palazzo Chigi on the manoeuvre, the leader of IV, Matteo Renzi.

Source: Ansa

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