What not to do on the wedding day: all folk signs

Spring is the season for weddings, especially after Easter. This special day in the life of every person is considered outstanding for his future destiny, therefore it is shrouded in a large number of signs and prejudices.

GLOBAL HAPPENINGS figured out what people recommend and do not recommend to newlyweds on their wedding day. How to behave so that the further fate of the spouses develops in the best way.

What you need to do at the wedding to bring happiness to the family

In order for the brides to live their whole lives together and be happy, neither parents nor guests should stand between them. Nothing should breed a couple in love on this day.

A bridal bouquet is not just a beautiful accessory. It is believed that she should not let him out of her hands in order to be happy with her husband all her life. The tradition of throwing flowers to unmarried girlfriends appeared in our territories later.

Rain on your wedding day will be a very good omen if the sun looks after it. If the sky after this is decorated with a rainbow, then this portends the newlyweds a long and complete love of life.

Guests should sprinkle the couple with rice and sweets so that the couple lives comfortably and does not know grief.

If the bride is carried in her arms across the bridge over the pond, this should ensure the prosperity of the family and many years of mutual love for the groom.

To live a lifetime together, the newlyweds should sit at the wedding not on different chairs, but on a bench.

Witnesses at the wedding should not be married at the time of the celebration. This portends happiness to the newlyweds.

The more new items will be on the bed of the newlyweds on their wedding night, the better. At least the pillows should be new, and ideally everything, including the bed itself.

An odd number of guests should be invited to the wedding. Also, newlyweds should not quarrel on their day.

In order for the family to live in abundance, the groom in shoes needs to put a coin, and the groom – a bill.

Newlyweds should drink from their glasses to the bottom. Therefore, it is better to pour them little by little.

It is important to choose the right wedding rings. The ideal option is smooth rings without decorations, which symbolize a smooth common path without interference. Also, both rings must be the same.

wedding day prohibitions

It is impossible to let wedding rings on the ground on the wedding day – this portends scandals and quarrels to the young family.

If the bride’s dress is torn, the mother-in-law will be angry with her.

A wedding dress should not be green. This portends troubles in married life and difficult relationships in a couple.

The bride cannot pour strong drinks during the celebration, so that her husband does not become addicted to a glass.

A broken heel on shoes can bring deceit and betrayal from a man to the bride.

A bride should at all costs avoid sewing on her wedding day. If she pricks herself with a needle, this will bring frequent quarrels to the couple.

Guests are not allowed to give the newlyweds thorny and cutting objects, jewelry, mirrors and bedding. Also, do not give art objects with frightening plots and images.

At the wedding, no one except the newlyweds should eat bread and salt.

If you break a mirror on your wedding day, it will bring a couple of seven years of misfortune.

The night before the wedding, the brides should spend separately. Otherwise, their marriage runs the risk of failing.

Previously, GLOBAL HAPPENINGS told how not to behave in a cemetery.

Source: Obozrevatel

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