The climate bet

I’m pretty sure that if Pascal had been able to read his “Pensées” again, the first thing he would have done would have been to remove the stupid argument from the bet. We would have to believe, Pascal tells us, because the gain would be immeasurable, that God exists: if he does not exist, that would make us at worst calmer and happier, in our lifetime, and if he exists, that would make us will avoid the eternal damnation reserved, in this astonishing interpretation of Christian theology, less for those who would return to dust than for those whose lack of faith would precipitate, for eternity, into hell.

It is not for me, here, to say in what Pascal is wrong, and on human psychology and on the foundations of Christian theology, which seem to me rather to rest on the pretty concept of apocatastasis – the idea of ​​a apocalypse at the end of which we would all be saved.

This is precisely the concept with

Source : Nouvelobs

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