Where is it better to plant peonies: they will bloom magnificently for years

Peonies invariably occupy one of the first places in the ranking of favorite flowers. These lush and graceful plants will become a real decoration of the flower bed.

One minus – the peony flowering season is too short. However, growing these beauties in your yard is quite easy. It should be remembered that plants do not respond well to transplantation, so the site should be chosen very carefully. The publication Porady Interia spoke about the features of growing peonies.

Why is the peony not blooming

The biggest disappointment for gardeners is the lack of peony blooms. There may be several reasons.

Not enough light

Peonies need a lot of sun to develop. Do not plant them in the shade of buildings and trees or near spreading bushes.

Wrong watering regimen

Peonies do not like excessive watering and will not bloom in wetlands, however, with the onset of the May heat, the flowers will require additional moisture. Direct water directly into the ground. Active wetting of the leaves can cause the appearance of fungal diseases.

Wrong fit

Planting too shallow or too deep will also not encourage flowering. The optimal depth is about 3-5 centimeters. Experts do not advise planting more than two bushes per square meter. Planting peonies should be carried out in late August and early September.

Which place to choose for peonies

These beautiful perennials do not like change. Transplanting will not benefit peonies, so when arranging space in the garden, it is important to choose the right place and optimal soil. If you follow all the advice, then the peony will be able to please flowering annually for 15 years.

Peonies need to be planted in sunny and warm places, but they are able to bloom in small shade. The main thing is that the flowers must be protected from the wind.

Please note that peonies need some time to acclimatize. After planting, it may take 3-4 years before flowers appear. This is a completely natural phenomenon, so there is no need to panic and replant the bush from place to place.

Nutrition for peonies

Caring for peonies in the garden also involves proper fertilization. In the spring, mineral fertilizers with a high phosphorus content will be useful. During autumn care, experts recommend feeding the soil with compost or manure.

Home remedies work great too. Peony loves top dressing with coffee grounds. This fertilizer will help maintain optimal moisture and will gently acidify the soil. Coffee grounds are poured under the roots of plants, mixing with the top layer of the substrate. You can also prepare an effective solution: add 1 cup of coffee grounds to 10-15 liters of water. Watering peonies with such a solution is advised once every two weeks.

Previously, GLOBAL HAPPENINGS told how to grow record-breaking peonies.

Source: Obozrevatel

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