How to help your dog endure the heat: effective tips

Everyone suffers from heat, and pets are no exception. A thick undercoat increases body temperature, so responsible owners should take care of the health of the animal.

Dogs should not be left in the car in the heat of summer – such absent-mindedness can even lead to death. How to help a dog endure the heat – read the material GLOBAL HAPPENINGS.


Veterinarians recommend an interesting life hack: on hot days, you can freeze small pieces of natural products and treat your pet with them. This is useful even if your pet eats mostly store-bought food. In summer, natural products will definitely not be superfluous in the diet.

How to help your dog endure the heat: effective tips

old towel

If the apartment is too hot, you can give the dog an old towel. It should be moistened in cool water and spread on the floor. Your pet will definitely appreciate the place to rest.

mini pool

In a private house or in the country, you can use an inflatable children’s pool. You just need to put it in the yard and fill it with cool water – so the dog can cool itself.

How to help your dog endure the heat: effective tips

By the way, dogs always have a specific smell, it is natural for animals, no matter how often their owners bathe them. It is provoked by the microbiome – bacteria and fungi that live and multiply in thick wool. How to properly bathe a dog to get rid of a specific smell – read the material.

Previously, GLOBAL HAPPENINGS told how much water a cat and a dog should drink per day.

Source: Obozrevatel

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