Legal, separation boom, vaccines divide the couple

Covid, Draghi:

The number of couples who are in crisis due to differences on the anti Covid vaccine is growing and there are many, according to a lawyer from Caserta, those who have decided to settle the age-old question by taking legal action. The alarm is raised by a matrimonialist, Carmen Posillipo, of the Court of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, who, he says, since the beginning of the new year is forced to face an increasingly massive amount of requests for separations triggered precisely for this reason. He is against the vaccine but she is in favor. Or vice versa. One of them also lost his job due to the pandemic. The problems escalate and so the couple ends up in front of the lawyer.

This is an emerging side effect of the pandemic which, according to Posillipo, is in addition to those relating to finance and health, which have already become widely known. The increase in conflicts also affects the so-called ex, for whom the crisis becomes worse when one is forced to face the vaccination of their children.
According to the data in the possession of the lawyer Posillipo, it is mainly men who are most opposed to the administration of the vaccine. “Not only is she the only one to have ended up in this whirlwind round of petitions, – the lawyer points out – many other colleagues are in the same situation as me”. “At one time – he explains – there was a fight over the holidays, for the celebration of the sacraments, for the choice of sport. In the time of Covid-19, instead, there is a fight over the vaccine. ‘Lawyer, you can ask my spouse for consent for the vaccine to my son? ‘ Or, ‘lawyer, can you answer my spouse that I do not want to vaccinate my children for the moment?’: These are the requests that I have been facing since the beginning of the year, which go hand in hand with those for the single allowance ” .

“The virus – says the lawyer Posillipo laconic – is dividing us with the contagion, with the disease, unfortunately with death and now also for the vaccine”. Reticence to administration is interpreted as a lack of love. Posillipo recalls that many marriages have already come to an end during the lookdown “for forced cohabitation, for children perpetually at home, even for distance learning. Then, often, one of the spouses, most of the times the woman, is forced to give up work and the family balance remains severely affected “.


Source From: Ansa

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