How to restore shine to glassware: tips for housewives

Simple tools at hand, a few minutes of time – and your salad bowls, vases and glasses will shine like new.

How to restore shine to glassware with simple remedies / Photo: Collage: Today

Many housewives love glassware for its elegance and style. But it happens that the glass begins to fade, and the dishes lose their original luster and attractiveness. This problem is fixable, moreover, you will need penny funds that are in every kitchen.

How to restore shine to glassware: life hacks

  • Life hack 1. Vinegar
How to clean / Photo: pixabay

How to clean / Photo: pixabay

moisten paper towel with plain table vinegar
and wipe the clean glass surface well. Then rinse the dishes in warm water and wipe dry. The glass will return to its original luster and transparency. If the first time did not work out, repeat the procedure so that the plaque soaks and moves away.

  • Lifehack 2. Lemon
How to clean / Photo: pixabay

How to clean / Photo: pixabay

Lemon will help to give a beautiful shine to glassware. can mix lemon juice
with a little water or take lemon slice
and wipe the glass with it, and then wipe it dry with a napkin. After that, the dishes will shine again.

  • Lifehack 3. Soda
How to clean / Photo: pixabay

How to clean / Photo: pixabay

Soda is a constant helper in the kitchen, which easily copes with almost any dirt, and is also able to restore a beautiful shine and clean shine to dishes and utensils. Sprinkle baking soda on your sponge
rub the glass surface well, and then wash it in running water.

  • Life hack 4. Salt
How to clean / Photo: pixabay

How to clean / Photo: pixabay

Dirty and dull places can be cleaned with table salt. Place the dishes in saline solution for 20-30 minutes
for her to kick off. And then rub with a sponge and rinse with water.

  • Life hack 5. Laundry soap
How to clean / Photo: pixabay

How to clean / Photo: pixabay

In a bowl of warm water for 7-8 liters, grate a small a bar of laundry soap, add a couple of tablespoons of soda
, stir until dissolved, and submerge the glassware you wish to restore. Leave for half an hour, then rub with a sponge and rinse well.

How to clean / Photo: pixabay

How to clean / Photo: pixabay

There are dishes, for example, tall glasses or vases, where it is very difficult to get to the inner surface even with a brush. To wash a dull and muddy bottom, pour some warm water, add a spoonful of vinegar and leave for half an hour. Then throw in a handful of rice
and give it a good shake – this mixture will remove dirt and restore a beautiful shine to your dishes.

Earlier we talked about how to properly clean, and what places are the dirtiest in the kitchen.


Source From: Segodnya

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