The Pope calls not to complain about the Church, but to commit oneself to the Church

Cremonini makes the Olimpico dance: almost 60 thousand in Rome (ANSA)

“In the Church, each one is called to be a missionary disciple and to offer his own contribution”, said the Pope at the Mass for the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. “And here two questions come to mind – he continued -. The first is: what can I do for the Church? Not to complain about the Church, but to commit myself to the Church.
Participate with passion and humility: with passion, because we must not remain passive spectators; with humility, because engaging in the community must never mean taking center stage, feeling better and preventing others from approaching “. According to the Pontiff,” Church in the synodal process means: everyone participates, no one in place of others or above of the others. There are no first and second class Christians. Everyone is called. But participating also means carrying on the ‘good fight’ of which Paul speaks “.
“It is in fact a ‘battle’ – he explained -, because the proclamation of the Gospel is not neutral. Please, the Lord free us from distilling the Gospel to make it neutral, the Gospel is not distilled water. things as they are, does not accept compromise with the logic of the world but, on the contrary, lights the fire of the Kingdom of God where the human mechanisms of power, evil, violence, corruption, injustice, marginalization reign “.
And then the second question is: “what can we do together, as a Church, to make the world in which we live more human, more just, more supportive, more open to God and to fraternity among men?”, Asked the Pope. “We must certainly not shut ourselves up in our ecclesial circles and nail ourselves to some of our sterile discussions, but help us to be leaven in the dough of the world – Francis warned -. Together we can and must take gestures of care for human life, for the protection of creation. , for the dignity of work, for the problems of families, for the condition of the elderly and of those who are abandoned, rejected and despised “.
In short, “to be a Church that promotes a culture of care, compassion for the weak and the fight against all forms of degradation, including that of our cities and the places we frequent, so that the joy of the Gospel may shine in everyone’s life: this it’s our ‘good fight’ “, he highlighted.
Speaking ‘off the cuff’, the Pope then invited us to “be careful not to fall into clericalism. Clericalism is a perversion. The minister who becomes clerical, with a clerical attitude, has taken a wrong path. Worse still are the clericalized laity. . Let us beware of this perversion of clericalism “. And also to avoid the “nostalgia” for the things of the past and “not to fall into ‘backwardness’, which is fashionable today”.

Source: Ansa

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