Si-Verdi critical soul of the center-left, Pd reconfirms with M5s

Brazil, land-art for the victims of the collapse of the Brumadinho dam (ANSA)

A solidarity and ecological project that aims to do everything in order to mend the relationship between the area that refers to the Democratic Party and the 5-star Movement, from an anti-right perspective. Green Europe and the Italian Left presented their symbol at Villa Borghese in Rome, fielding their leaders Angelo Bonelli and Eleonora Evi for the greens and Nicola Fratoianni for Si. The electoral tandem, according to the BiDiMedia poll released by the two parties on the occasion of the presentation, worth 4.5%, but as expected, it promises to grow and aggregate new local realities. Not surprisingly, at the top, above the logos of the two sides, the words ‘Civic Networks’ can be read, to close the symbol that will run in the next elections. There are only two months left and the first step remains to build an alliance that can stand up to the comparison with the center-right battleship, Bonelli says: “We will work together so that we can also recover a relationship with the 5-star Movement, we need to build a democratic front “and Fratoianni repeats it:” I continue to turn to Enrico Letta and Giuseppe Conte, so that a thread of dialogue can be reconstructed “. Open borders, not really to everyone.
The enlargement of the “democratic front” shows difficulties when it comes to one of the possible interlocutors of Enrico Letta, the pivot of the center-left alliance, namely Carlo Calenda. To the leader of Action, who today gives his possible willingness to fill the role of premier, Bonelli suggests: “You know your limits, so you don’t fuck up ….”, while Fratoianni dissociates himself: “I with Calenda’s program don’t I have nothing to do “. And it is the leader of Si who treads his hand on Action and the possible new entries to be searched for among the refugees of Forza Italia, with Renato Brunetta and Mariastella Gelmini in the lead: “I will never find anyone on the same path as those who insulted as a minister a worker, of those who have cut public school funding in an impressive way. I will never have a common program with those who support these things “.

Source: Ansa

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