Elections, decisive meeting Renzi-Calenda for the third pole

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The last “those were tumultuous days“and” I learned that in politics, unlike companies, until you are closed you are not closed. We see. What is important is that an alternative is created to this situation. Today we will decide, but I am optimistic, yes. “Action leader Carlo Calenda said to Rtl 102.5 speaking of the electoral and coalition agreement with Renzi’s Italia Viva.

And yesterday there was a tough back-and-forth between Enrico Letta and Giorgia Meloni. The Pd secretary accuses the leader of FdI “of powdering herself” to “change her image” and she replies: “You don’t need face powder, we are consistent”. Meanwhile, the candidacies are beginning to emerge: Berlusconi wants to reappear in the Senate; Pd and + Europe focus on Cottarelli, while Si and Verdi on Ilaria Cucchi.

THE DAY OF TRUTH Today will be the day of truth for the birth of the third pole. After yesterday’s optimism, today is the day of prudence. Carlo Calenda in the morning considers the agreement “on basic matters” now reached. But in the evening he flaunts caution: “By now – he jokes – I am very cautious, I missed a wedding recently … Apart from the jokes I hope for an agreement”. Matteo Renzi also takes time and, freezing all enthusiasm, uses the classic formula “if they are roses they will bloom”. Interviewed by Massimo Giannini on La Stampa.it, the secretary of Italia Viva brakes saying that he is “optimistic but also prudent”. And he implicitly teases his potential future partner, observing that his caution is a must “given the theater of the last few days”, from which, he adds: “I stayed away”. No details on the open knots, if at the center of the negotiations of these days there are the colleges, the symbol or the leadership: “If you make an agreement – explains Renzi – you need to understand what the prospect is for the next legislature, if there is one. it is a serious project: nominations and lists are the easiest things to agree on. The real question is: ‘do we want to make a pole of common sense in the next legislature? I am optimistic and prudent. or not”. Giannini presses him on the future leadership of this third pole. “I – replies Renzi – am ready to take a step back on leadership but first comes the agreement and then the names, which, as the Latins said, are a consequence of things. I’m not a waffle, I say that first comes the political project then comes personal generosity “. Apart from the agreement, the harmony between him and Calenda is evident. Renzi too, like the leader of Action, hopes that Draghi will return to Palazzo Chigi. “Difficult times await us: we will have a lot of inflation. When you have 8-9% – underlines Renzi – many go below the poverty line. At that point, between September and December, the European stability pact must be re-discussed: the tough ones, the Dutch, the Germans. But if we don’t change that pact we won’t go anywhere. I ask the Italians, who do you prefer to negotiate? Dragons or Melons? “. Both leaders are convinced that their constituency is much larger than the percentages recorded by the latest surveys. In this regard, Calenda violently criticized Youtrend. “4% is given to us by the Pd pollster and Più Europa … I saw him in action at the administrative offices … Right now – the MEP attacks – serious pollsters are not pointing out why people are at the seaside”. Also very hard the beat and retort with Emma Bonino who defined the tear of her “a sudden, unmotivated and even fraudulent about-face”. “I – Calenda replies – I am a polite person. I only had words of esteem for you. But try not to lose control of yourself”. Renzi also uses acid tones against Enrico Letta, accusing him of having done everything wrong, of having made “an omelette” in the choice of alliances, of chasing Di Maio, of helping the right by proposing a tax increase. He even defines him as “Giorgia Meloni’s best friend” and distances himself from the Democratic Party also on the possible consequences of the arrival of the Fdi leader at Palazzo Chigi: “If the right wins – he argues – the wallet and public finances are in danger, not democracy or the Constitution “. And on the chapter of the reforms, he first observes that there is a need for a direct election “but of the prime minister and not of the head of state”. Then he appeals to all political forces for there to be “a common commitment to carry out constitutional reform all together”. “The reform is for everyone: the idea that it should all be done together – he concludes – overcomes the problem by 66%”.

Source: Ansa

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