Google: a tip to save time in research

Google is currently the most widely used search engine in the world. A success that it owes to the relevance of its results, of course, but also to all these functions which considerably improve navigation on the service. And there is one, in particular, which is little known and which will nevertheless save you precious time.

Before Google entered the market, search engines most often took the form of portals.

Image by Satheesh Sankaran from Pixabay – cropped image

Very loaded with information, they thus put forward many services or many content that Internet users did not always use.

Google, still in first position

Google then arrived, with its extremely stripped down and minimalist engine, an engine that was easier to understand and therefore to use.

The rest of the story, you know it. Google has grown in importance over the years, triumphing over all of its competitors. And today, he therefore occupies the first place of the podium. StatCounter indeed places it at the top of the list with 92.03% of market share, far ahead of Bing (2.48%), Yahoo! (1.5%) or Baidu (1.39%).

But as often, the devil is hiding in the details and what makes Google’s strength, it is not only its stripped down interface or the relevance of its results. It is also all these little more or less hidden functions that greatly improve the user experience.

And there is one in particular that will save you precious time.

The tip that will save you time in your research

This tip applies to the desktop version of the engine, and therefore to the version you are using on your computer.

Normally, when you do a search, you then go through the results with your eyes. If you find what you are looking for on the first page, you click on the associated result and continue on your way to the page in question.

If you can’t find the right fit, then you keep scrolling through results and pages until you finally find the information you need.

However, sometimes it may be better to reformulate your query to try to refine the results displayed by Google.

The thing is, if you do, then you have to go back up the page, click on the search box … and that’s it.

However, there is a way to go faster. Or rather a shortcut. When you are on a results page, all you have to do is press the “SHIFT + /” keys to place the cursor directly in the search field, wherever you are on the page.

All you have to do then is delete everything that the field contains to enter a new request.


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