Turned on AirPods – deaf in one ear: why Apple was sued and is the Amber Alert signal dangerous

Parents of a teenager sued Apple for allegedly producing “defective” audio accessories that deprived their son of hearing: but the amount of compensation was not announced

Apple sued for allegedly deafening in one ear due to use of AirPods / Photo: AppleInsider

The lawsuit alleges that Apple produces “defective” audio accessories, which do not automatically lower the volume for alerts. As a result, the hearing of an American 12-year-old boy was affected, or rather, he became deaf in one ear, his parents say.

So, in a lawsuit against Apple, it is said that a loud signal damaged the eardrums of a teenager when a loud Amber Alert was issued. Also recall that Apple will create super-resistant to moisture, temperature and pressure iPhones.

User Reports Confirm Amber Alerts Are Loud on AirPods

User Reports Confirm Amber Alerts Are Loud on AirPods / Photo: AppleInsider

The 12-year-old boy, identified as BG in the complaint, was reportedly watching Netflix on his iPhone while using AirPods Pro when the yellow alert sounded. The high-pitched noise reportedly damaged his eardrums.

According to the complaint, the sound “ripped” the boy’s eardrums, damaged his ear “cochlea” and caused permanent hearing loss on one ear. Amber Alerts, which are warning messages, alert residents to a child abduction emergency.

The lawsuit against Apple is caused by the fact that the company allegedly produces

The lawsuit against Apple is caused by the fact that the company allegedly produces “defective” audio accessories / Photo: REUTERS

Such messages are automatically sent to smartphones. And user reports confirm the fact that amber alerts are loud on AirPods and may not match the volume of the content the user is viewing.

How much parents want compensation is not reported, however, the lawsuit states that the complaint seeks damages for undergrowth “in amounts that will punish the defendants for their behavior and that will deter other technology companies from committing such misconduct in the future.”

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Source: Segodnya

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