Developed new artificial skin for robots, detects force

Uvalde, the grandfather of a victim berates the police:

A new artificial skin has been developed for robots that are increasingly ‘friends’ of man, capable of assisting people safely both in work and in daily life: it is equipped with new generation tactile sensors capable of locating and detecting the intensity of the force contact, just like human skin receptors called ‘Ruffini’s corpuscles’ do.

The result, which opens up new application scenarios ranging from medical robotics to industry 4.0, is published in Nature Machine Intelligence in a study coordinated by the Institute of BioRobotics of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa, in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Technology (Iit), Sapienza University of Rome, Campus Bio-Medico of Rome and Ca ‘Foscari Venice, with the ARTES 4.0 Competence Center.

This technology is part of the so-called collaborative robotics framework, with different scenarios such as medical robotics, surgical robotics, personal assistance robotics and will allow robots to interact with people assisting them in the safest way in daily tasks. Another scenario is that of industry 4.0: the robot can become a companion of the worker allowing to relieve tasks and physical fatigue and reducing the incidence of accidents.

Source: Ansa

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