Your personality revealed by your love of cats or dogs

Many of us have pets. Cats and dogs are certainly the most popular of them. In 2014, UC Davis researcher Mikel Delgado published a study that suggests that your preference for either of these two animals could say a lot about your personality.

Its work is based on the Big Five. Also called the “OCEAN model”, the Big Five assumes that our personality is governed by 5 major character traits. We can cite openness to experience, awareness, extraversion, friendliness and neurosis.

James-Sutton credits on Unsplash

As part of her study, Mikel Delgado conducted a survey that allowed her to identify character traits that she believes are unique to people with cats or dogs.

Rather sensitive or outgoing?

For the purposes of his investigation, Mikel Delgado interviewed people with cats or dogs. By analyzing their answers, she found two very distinct character traits. According to her, people who prefer cats tend to be more open and neurotic.

People with a preference for dogs are more outgoing and pleasant. Previous research also suggests that people who prefer dogs are more dominant in social interactions. They would also be more narcissistic.

Results to be taken with a grain of salt

However, as Mikel Delgado points out, this study is not perfect.

“Most of us do this research on a limited budget”, she explains.

On the other hand, surveys of this kind are normally carried out on balanced populations who are paid for their participation. However, in the case of this study, the participants are part of a certain demographic.

“They also probably have a higher level of attachment to their pet than the average owner,” souligne Mikel Delgado.

According to her, the people who took part in her survey are predominantly women. They represented between 85 and 90% of the people questioned. What is more, they were mostly Caucasian and lived in the United States.

This means that the results of this study may only relate to a specific population. They should therefore be taken with a grain of salt.

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