What professions can artificial intelligence take away from people: GPT-4 himself answered

The advent of advanced artificial intelligence is worrying many professions that a well-trained machine could replace. What these professions will be, time will tell. But so far, according to the forecast in this regard, people have turned to AI itself.

The request was created by journalist and author of The Rundown AI mailing list Rowan Chung. GPT-4 chatbot response published on my own Twitter.

Chung asked GPT-4 what 20 professions he would master so well that he could replace people in these cases. In response, I received a table with a list. In addition to the profession, the chatbot also named its advantages over people in these areas. Basically, these were the ability not to waste time, analytical skills, speed and accuracy in completing tasks.

The list of professions that AI can select includes:

  • data entry operator;
  • customer support manager;
  • proofreader;
  • legal assistant;
  • accountant;
  • translator;
  • copywriter;
  • marketing research analyst;
  • social media manager
  • scheduling administrator;
  • telephone salesperson;
  • virtual assistant;
  • text decoder;
  • news reporter;
  • travel agent;
  • tutor;
  • technical support analyst;
  • email marketer;
  • content moderator;
  • recruiter.

In replies to the tweet, users began to share their thoughts on the list. So the point about the social media manager caused skepticism due to the fact that AI cannot create content without a clear task. Therefore, users have suggested that it can become an effective tool, and not replace a person.

Also, many expressed doubt that the machine will cope with the work of a news reporter. After all, for this profession you need to see, understand and describe the surrounding events well. Just like for a recruiter, not only the answers of the person he is trying to hire are important, but also his body language, manner of communication, etc.

Users also indicated that the list does not include a profession related to finance. And who joked that, perhaps, the last profession that AI will replace will be a builder.

Earlier, GLOBAL HAPPENINGS talked about what GPT-4 could actually be, and its capabilities are amazing.

Source: Obozrevatel

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