Morocco: protest against premier, ‘Akhannouch resign’

The protest movement against the Prime Minister of Morocco, Aziz Akhannouch, is growing. The hashtag (#degage_akhannouch) calling for his resignation in a few weeks has gone viral. Former oil tanker, at the helm of the center-right government coalition, Akhannouch is indicated as responsible for the unjustified increases, especially in diesel and petrol. In recent months, fuel prices have respectively reached 16 and 17 dirhams (1 euro and approximately 60/70). However, the protest soon spread to food and other consumer goods.
During the Feast of the Sacrifice, one of the highest Muslim holidays, the prices of basic necessities have risen wildly. The interventions of the ministers of agriculture or of the economy to explain the international situation that has contributed to an increase in petrol, wheat or livestock are useless. Moroccan Internet users have launched into caricatures portraying the premier under the effigy of Dracula. “Just suck the blood of the poor people.” According to Forbes, Alhannouch has an estimated $ 3 billion in assets.
In 2021, after serving as Agriculture Minister for two terms, he won the elections with an election campaign based on the promise of new jobs and a program of social reform.

Source: Ansa

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