Biden warns Florida residents of danger from Hurricane Ian

With a declared emergency, the American state faces the arrival of the natural phenomenon this Wednesday, 28


US President Joe Biden warns of dangers from Hurricane Ian

the president of United States, Joe Bidenwarned, this Wednesday, 28, the residents of Florida about the danger of hurricane ian. With a declared emergency, the American state faces the arrival of drilling, category 2 (out of a maximum of 5 on the Saffir-Simpson scale) and which is expected to gain large proportions before reaching the central west coast of the state this week. If the forecasts come true, Ian’s winds will reach Category 4 this Wednesday, the 28th, as he flies over the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, after having touched down in Cuba. On Thursday the 29th, with Category 3 winds, it will affect Tampa Bay, and on Friday the 30th, with Category 1 winds, it will touch land further north in Florida. The authorities’ message to Florida residents is clear: don’t be unprepared. President Joe Biden urged Florida residents to listen to authorities as the hurricane progresses. “This storm is incredibly dangerous, to put it bluntly. It is life threatening. You must obey all warnings and instructions from emergency personnel. Don’t take anything for granted. Use their judgment, not yours. Evacuate when ordered. Be ready. The storm warnings are real, the evacuation warnings are real, the danger is real.” He also said that the government will give all the support, after the hurricane passes, to the residents who need it. “And when the storm passes, the federal government will be there to help you recover. We’ll be there to help you clean and rebuild and get Florida moving again. And we will be there every step of the way. That is my absolute commitment to the people of the state of Florida.”

Source: Jovempan

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