Guasha trend massage: how to choose a scraper and master the technique

Smooth out wrinkles, make the complexion fresher, remove swelling and not only Chinese massage with a scraper – guasha – will help. How to do it correctly – in the article

Choosing a gouache scraper and mastering the trend massage technique yourself is not at all difficult. / Photo: Collage: Today

“Scrape off all the bad” in the literal sense, you can use the ancient massage technique, which is performed with the help of special scrapers. This is how the name is translated massage guache… Why is gouache so popular today, what types of massage are there, is it possible to master the technique itself and which scraper to choose for the beam – said the massage therapist, consultant for beauty practices Maria Altukhova.

Maria Altukhova

Maria Altukhova / Photo: press service

Gouache massage – why do it and what does it give?

The word guache, in addition to the technique itself, is also called special body scrapers, without which this type of massage cannot be performed. Massage is often used for the face as well as for the back: the technique helps to improve blood flow, tone the skin, and smooth out wrinkles.

Pay attention to an important point: techniques for performing guache for the back and face are different and the healing gouache is performed by a master. After the healing gouache, more intense reddening of the skin and even bruises often remain on the back.

Do not be afraid,this will not be on the face, since, as already mentioned, the technique is performed in a fundamentally different way.

After a therapeutic massage of guasha, petechiae remain on the back, this rounded spots which appear on the skin as a result of damage to the intradermal capillaries with a scraper. But it is precisely this technique that is therapeutic, and is used to recover from long-term illnesses as well.

And themselves bruises disappear within a week, as after using medicinal cans – many are also familiar with this procedure. So after the gouache, similar marks may appear on the back. But such an intense massage is not done on the face!

How do you make face guache?

Facial gua sha is done with a special scraper, which is used to perform “scraping” movements. Movements need to be done strictly along the massage lines… After such a massage, slight redness may appear on the face and body, which quickly passes.

Guasha for the face is pleasant, does not cause painful sensations, relaxes muscles and after it not only the skin itself freshens face: the person feels relaxed and rested. It is with the help of such scrapers, and not just hands or massage rollers, that it is possible to more relax the muscles, improve the circulation of blood and lymph in the tissues, remove puffiness and remove toxins from the body.

And due to the careful and unhurried study of the lymphatic pathways, the water balance of skin cells is restored. Also, massage of gua sha on the scalp helps to improve blood circulation to the hair follicles and stimulates hair growth. That is, after finishing the massage of the skin on the forehead, you can move on to the head, along the hairline.

But in order to have an effect, it is important not only to master the technique, it is quite simple, but also to choose a suitable scraper.

How to choose a gouache scraper

More robust scrapersThey are made from wood, bone, animal horns that will withstand falling onto the tile floor in the bathroom and will not shatter. But these scrapers are not very convenient in terms of handling and ensuring complete hygiene.

Scrapers made from animal horns and wood are unhygienic, from onyx they are easy to beat, but from plastic they are strong and easy to handle.

Scrapers made from animal horns and wood are unhygienic, from onyx they are easy to beat, but from plastic they are strong and easy to handle. / Photo: Collage: Today

They easily exfoliate bacteria grow quickly in cracks, so I do not recommend such scrapers. Scrapers made of jade, onyx or quartz are very popular, but there are two “buts” here:

  1. Such scrapers are fragile and break easily when dropped to the floor, last a short time, and are not cheap.
  2. Scrapers from supposedly stones offered by the mass model are much cheaper, but these are not natural stones. For their production (most often such scrapers are brought from China), they use shavings from the remains of stones mixed with epoxy resin. You understand that looking for benefits from epoxy is, to put it mildly, strange.

What to do? Purchase a plastic scraper, after all, the main thing is to do massage regularly. And for this, plastic is quite suitable: in addition, such scrapers are easy to wash, treat with an antiseptic and store.

How often should you do face guasha?

Short massage session about 5 minutes every day from the tour will help remove swelling, smooth the skin and give it a fresh look. If necessary, a specialist can recommend a gua sha course. For greater effect, you can immerse the scraper in hot or cold water.

For greater effect, you can immerse the scraper in hot or cold water.

For greater effect, you can immerse the scraper in hot or cold water. / Photo:

Cold water will cool the scraper and help remove puffiness and circles under the eyes. And hot – will contribute to faster muscle relaxation. After the gua sha massage, apply face masks, then the absorption of beneficial nutrients into the skin is enhanced. What to take as a basis for guache, so that the scraper glides better on the skin (especially if the skin is dry) – oil, cream or gel, depends on the type of skin, its reaction to substances and individual preferences.

How to make face guache at home

Before starting the massage, you need clean your face thoroughly, then apply oil or other product and proceed. Now there are a lot of videos on YouTube on how to make face guasha, they are quite high quality.

But of course the first time is better learn from a beautician or masseur, go to such a procedure and remember the movements of the master. Understand with what force he presses on the scraper. Use a scraper to guide along the massage lines:

  • from the center of the forehead to the temples,
  • from the wings of the nose – again towards the temples,
  • then from the tip of the nose, draw up to the center of the forehead, and from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the ears,
  • from the center of the chin, movements go to the earlobes.

Important! If there are already deep wrinkles on the forehead, then they need to be carefully worked out, move the scraper from the brow crease to the hairline.

When guasha neck and décolleté, move from the center – up to the chin. And the lateral movements are done in the opposite direction, from the jaw to the collarbones. If you have 2 scrapers, you can massage simultaneously with two… And if there is only one scraper, then first work on the right side of the face, and then on the left.

Do not use gouache if there is inflammation, wounds, or fresh injection marks on your face and body.

Are there any contraindications to gua sha massage?

In addition to the standard contraindications to any massage – high temperature, cancer, menstruation, general malaise, guasha is not recommended after beauty injections. Because the movements of the scraper can displace the injected filler or facilitate the elimination of the drug. You can also fight wrinkles with other techniques.

After injection procedures, it is recommended to do guache no earlier than 3 months later. Also gouache is contraindicated with inflammatory skin diseases in their acute period, acne, allergic reactions on the skin.

Earlier we also wrote about how to do Nauli vacuum yoga massage.



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