The great flood, tragedy and redemption of the Polesine

(ANSA) – ROME, 07 NOV – The baby of a few days placed by the mother in a wicker basket and left to go on the water so that he could be saved as then, according to the legend, it happened has the flavor of the story invented for a good purpose for give a glimmer of hope amid the grief and devastation, but the bags of banknotes collected all over Italy and the images of the loads of aid from the United States or the village that the Norwegians financed for refugees in Rosolina are a fact that he left a deep trace. The Polesine returns to reflect on the devastating flood of the Po which on November 14, 1951 caused a hundred deaths and devastated the entire territory, leaving more than 180 thousand people homeless and sending twenty thousand large and small companies down with damage for 300 billion lire. A catastrophe which, albeit after a long time, regains its relevance due to the now daily attention focused on the effects produced by climate change.

That terrible experience that long marked the local communities of the provinces of Rovigo and Venice was, however, also the beginning of a rebirth that transformed a territory considered depressed into a sort of ‘environmental paradise’ and paved the way for economic growth. consolidated. The memory and the opportunities that can arise from a huge tragedy are the leitmotif of the exhibition “70 years later. The Great Alluvion”, curated by Francesco Jori with Alessia Vedova and Sergio Campagnolo, which Palazzo Roncale di Rovigo hosts until January 31st.

Testimonials, videos, photographs, newspaper articles and magazines among the great names of Italian journalism, are proposed this time to give this new reading of those 11 days in which 8 billion cubic meters of water flooded almost one hundred thousand hectares of land. For Gilberto Muraro, president of the Cassa di Riparmio Foundation of Padua and Rovigo, which promoted the exhibition, “ remembering is a social duty to understand its genesis and reflect on the eternal and disregarded urgency to respect rivers and the environment ” . (HANDLE).


Source From: Ansa

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