Doctors told how to prepare for the transition to summer time

Every spring and autumn, some countries around the world switch to summer and winter time. This is done to optimize daylight hours and save energy. And although it seems that the change of hours is only a matter of habit and discipline, in fact, such a change can negatively affect well-being and performance.

In 2023, Ukraine will switch to summer time on March 26 at 03.00 am.

It would seem that during the transition to daylight saving time we lose only one hour of sleep, but even this can harm the health of some people. GLOBAL HAPPENINGS analyzed the available information and spoke about the possible consequences of the clock change and advised how to avoid them.

Changing the clock and losing an hour of sleep can lead to serious negative consequences.especially for those who previously had a chronic lack of sleep and did not rest the recommended 7-9 hours a day.

Thus, recent studies show that the transition to daylight saving time is associated with an increase of 6% in the number of fatal car accidents. In addition, scientists are focusing on an increase in accidents and emergency room visits, and an experiment involving healthcare workers indicates an 18% increase in safety-related errors during the first week after the time change.

All these changes are possible because our body gets used to living according to circadian rhythms and patterns. They are responsible for the physical, mental and behavioral processes that keep us healthy. Of course, our body will adjust to the new schedule in a few days, but the state of health may worsen. That is why you can use some advice to facilitate daylight saving time published by EveryDayHealth.

Analyze your schedule

If you lead a healthy lifestyle and do not experience problems with sleep, then one shorter night will not lead to serious disturbances in the body. However, if you don’t regularly get proper rest, now is the time to work on it. Try to go to bed at the same time every day, refrain from consuming caffeine before bed, and arrange a comfortable place to sleep.

Change your schedule ahead of time

To make the transition to daylight savings time smoother, try to prepare in a week. Push back your bedtime by 15 minutes every day and wake up 15 minutes earlier. Thus, you just have time to shift your schedule by the required hour and do not experience difficulties with the transition.

View dinner time

Eating also follows circadian rhythms. Late dinner can make it difficult to fall asleep because the body is focused on digestion and cannot relax. It is recommended that you eat your last meal 3-4 hours before bed, so try shifting your dinner, as well as your bedtime, by 15 minutes daily for a week.

Set the clock on time

To avoid scheduling confusion, reset your clock the day before daylight savings time so you’ll be set up and ready to live the new time as soon as you wake up.

Start your day with sunshine

Getting sunlight in the morning is important, so although some discomfort is inevitable after the time change, you can use the sun to set your own body clock. Try to avoid blue light emitted by gadgets in the morning. After waking up, try to get some natural sunlight outside or even through a window.

As you can see, during the transition to summer time, a short exacerbation of chronic diseases or a deterioration in general well-being is possible, so you should help the body adapt. Use simple tips – and the clock change will be easy and without harm to health.

Earlier, GLOBAL HAPPENINGS talked about ways to get rid of fatigue after changing the clock. Doctors recommend getting enough sleep, balancing the diet and not giving up regular workouts.

Source: Obozrevatel

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