Experts called simple ways to relieve the symptoms of stomatitis

Since childhood, we have known about the need for quality oral care, as this is a reliable way to keep your teeth and gums healthy. However, sometimes even with proper care, under the influence of various reasons, unpleasant dental problems can develop. One of the most common is stomatitis is an inflammatory disease of the oral mucosa.

Mouth ulcers can be quite painful, and recurrent stomatitis can make communication or eating difficult and significantly reduce quality of life. GLOBAL HAPPENINGS analyzed the available information and talked about the causes of stomatitis and how to get rid of it.

Stomatitis starts with a slight tingling sensation and progresses rapidly to painful sores, usually appearing on the inside of the lips and cheeks, on the side of the tongue, and on the gums. The rash usually goes away on its own within a few weeks, but they are very uncomfortable, so most are looking for ways to relieve pain and speed up the healing process.

What causes stomatitis?

The only reason that leads to it does not exist, however, among the main specialists of Mayo Clinic called the following:

Injury to the oral mucosa due to a dental procedure, excessive brushing of teeth or accidental bite;

an allergic reaction to certain bacteria in the mouth;

Food intolerance to certain foods, such as eggs, coffee, salty and sour foods;

Lack of vitamin B12, iron, folic acid and zinc in the body;

Some substances in toothpastes or rinses;

Hormonal disorders or stress;

The presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the body.

In addition, stomatitis can occur when certain underlying conditions are present, such as celiac disease, inflammatory bowel conditions, HIV/AIDS, or a malfunctioning immune system that attacks its own healthy cells.

How to prevent stomatitis?

Any disease is easier to prevent, and stomatitis is no exception. If you are prone to relapse, you need to review your lifestyle and follow certain advice from doctors.

Balance your diet. Lack of nutrients leads to a decrease in defenses and an increased risk of disease. Therefore, it is necessary to get from food the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the full functioning of the body.

At the same time, try to avoid foods that injure the oral mucosa or cause irritation. It can be chips, nuts, spices, etc. Also, minimize food allergens.

Observe oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth regularly in the morning and evening, rinsing your mouth after meals, and flossing will help keep your teeth and gums healthy and prevent bacteria from growing. Use a soft brush and avoid toothpastes or rinses that contain harmful substances, such as sodium lauryl sulfate.

If you wear braces or dentures, clean them regularly and consult your dentist to prevent oral injury.

Avoid stress. If you notice that stress has a detrimental effect on the body and causes a decrease in immunity, find an effective way to deal with it. Use whatever works for you to calm down, such as dancing, meditation, or swimming.

How to treat stomatitis?

If it was not possible to prevent stomatitis, then it should be remembered that a specialist should deal with the treatment of any disease, however, you can alleviate your condition and speed up recovery on your own. Yes, VeryWellHealth suggested simple and effective ways.

Salt and soda. Studies show that the simple substances found in every kitchen aid healing by reducing acid levels in the mouth. This can create an environment that makes it difficult for bacteria to grow.

For treatment, use a saline rinse by dissolving 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, or make a paste of baking soda and a little water and apply to ulcers several times a day.

Hydrogen peroxide. May protect against bacteria entering wounds. To do this, mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and ordinary water, apply to a cotton swab and apply to ulcers, avoiding swallowing.

Apple cider vinegar. This product has an antibacterial effect and can help with stomatitis. To rinse, dissolve one teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water. It should be noted that acid can damage tooth enamel, so this method should only be used daily.

Branches. This food additive is used not only in cooking. Scientists note the effectiveness of the use of branches in the treatment of aphthous stomatitis.

To reduce the size of the wound and relieve pain, a thick paste of alum and water should be prepared and applied to the ulcer for at least a minute several times a day until healing.

Honey. According to scientists, honey has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, so it can reduce the redness and pain of the ulcer, as well as prevent the attachment of a secondary infection. For relief, apply honey directly to the wound several times a day.

Milk of Magnesia. This over-the-counter medicine contains magnesium hydroxide. According to the study, it can reduce pain and prevent irritation by neutralizing the acid in the mouth and coating the ulcer.

As you can see, simple remedies to relieve pain and inflammation can be found at home, but if your condition does not improve, do not hesitate to go to the doctor. Depending on the underlying cause, he will be able to prescribe effective antiviral, antibacterial, antihistamines or corticosteroids, and such therapy already needs to be monitored by a specialist.

Earlier, GLOBAL HAPPENINGS spoke about the nuances of daily oral care. The specialist noted that it is impossible to bypass the hygiene of the gums and tongue, and also noted the need for regular professional cleaning of the teeth.

Source: Obozrevatel

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