Doctors advise how to counteract the harmful effects of stress

In modern life, every day we are forced to solve a bunch of problems and make serious decisions. Crazy pace, external negative influence, lack of proper rest, high responsibility – all this negatively affects the nervous system and in the long run leads not only to physical, but also psychological exhaustion. In turn, a constant stay in a stressful state harms not only the emotional sphere, but also the whole body.

An instantaneous response to stress can be useful, because it forces the body to accumulate all the forces to fight the danger. However, chronic stress is harmful and increases the risk of serious illness. After consulting with cardiologist Dr. Payal Kohli, Healthline spoke about the negative effects of being under stress and advised on how to avoid them.

Stress is the body’s natural response to things you perceive as a threat. It can be acute and triggered by a situation to which you can quickly adjust and return to normal. An example of acute stress might be a visit to the doctor, a speech in front of a wide audience, a job interview, or a traffic jam.

If the problem does not have a specific solution for a long time, and the body is constantly in a state of tension and readiness, we are already talking about chronic stress, which can reduce the protective forces and disrupt the operation of other systems. The causes of chronic stress can be serious illnesses, work pressure, family or relationship problems, financial difficulties, discrimination, etc.

How does stress affect the body?

The stress response begins in the brain and is accompanied by the release of the hormones cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine. Such a hormonal surge can be manifested by an increase in blood pressure and an acceleration of the heartbeat, blood flow to the muscles, poor digestion, etc.

If this condition lasts for a long time, it causes negative changes in the functioning of vital organs. and death.

In addition, according to scientists, work stress is associated with a 40% increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease, social isolation and loneliness – a 50% increase in the likelihood of a heart attack and stroke, and receptive stress that you experience, regardless of the cause , may contribute to coronary heart disease.

At the same time, this, unfortunately, is not all the negative impact of stress on the body.

Researchers have traced the relationship between stress hormones and blood pressure. So, they argue that the risk of high blood pressure increased with each doubling of the level of cortisol, adrenaline or norepinephrine in the urine of the participants, and they also had a significant likelihood of a heart attack or stroke.

Stress hormones also have a negative effect on insulin, causing the body to release stored sugar into the blood for use as energy. Researchers have proven that chronic stress has been associated with a 2-3-fold increase in the risk of type II diabetes within 3 years.

In addition, constant emotional exhaustion can change your usual way of life. So, under the influence of stress, some tend to reduce physical activity, overeating, excessive use of alcohol or drugs, which, in turn, leads to disruption of the body and diseases.

How to protect yourself from the damaging effects of stress?

Of course, it is impossible to completely avoid stressful situations. However, there are ways to help yourself and prevent serious negative effects on the body. To do this, choose the method that suits you.

Be active. Physical activity is not only good for the heart, but it can lift your mood and protect you from stress. To improve your well-being, try to exercise regularly and choose the kind that gives you pleasure.

Learn to relax. Relaxation techniques are an effective stress reliever. In addition, they can lower blood pressure and slow down the heartbeat. If you feel that emotional exhaustion is around the corner, practice aromatherapy, breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, or massage to calm down.

Rest. Healthy sleep is necessary for the whole body, and the nervous system is no exception. Regular good rest will give you strength and clarity of thinking to solve problematic life situations.

Communicate. Surround yourself with close people and friends – sometimes even the understanding that you will be supported and will be there can calm and give confidence in difficult times. In addition, do not hesitate to seek qualified help from specialists if you cannot cope with stress on your own.

Choose a business you like. We don’t always do what we love. That is why, in order to avoid stress, it is worth finding time for what you love. Make time for what actually gives you pleasure: read books, listen to music or go for a walk in the fresh air.

Modern life requires high endurance and energy expenditure from us. Constant movement at such a pace can cause significant harm to the body and cause stress. To avoid emotional exhaustion, use simple methods that will help not only save your nervous system, but also prevent the development of serious diseases.

Previously, GLOBAL HAPPENINGS named ways to calm down. Psychologists note that hugging loved ones and dancing can help calm nerves in a stressful situation.

Source: Obozrevatel

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