Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults: Symptoms and Consequences

The main features of our character, communication patterns and ways of resolving various situations are laid down in early childhood. In addition, it is sometimes associated with a tendency to certain health problems. Many people think that problems with concentration and control over their behavior only occur in children. However, this is not quite true. As an adult, a person may also have behavioral disorders, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Children with ADHD cannot always concentrate or master their energy without help. In adults, the manifestations may not be so obvious, and therefore not diagnosed in time. tells you how to watch for the symptoms of the disease and help yourself overcome them.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a collection of behavioral disorders in which a person has difficulty concentrating, being impulsive and hyperactive. Adults try better than children to overcome the manifestations of the syndrome, so they are diagnosed less often.

What are the symptoms of ADHD in adults?

Some adults are not even aware that they have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Unlike children, their hyperactivity decreases somewhat over the years, and they simply believe that they have problems with solving certain issues and perceive them as an individual trait of their character.

At the same time, experts say that we can talk about the presence of a syndrome, if you have 6 or more of the following symptoms:

Difficulty following instructions;

Transition to a new business without completing the previous one;

Frequent loss of things;

lack of attention to detail;

Difficulty concentrating in class or work;

Disorganization and forgetting;

Problems with planning ahead;

Constant distraction;

Impulsivity and inflammatory character.

In addition, a person can be constantly on the move or talk incessantly, disturb other people, be impatient and make decisions without thinking them over.

What causes ADHD?

As a rule, even if attention deficit hyperactivity disorder manifests itself in adulthood, the makings of a behavioral disorder begin in early childhood and develop over the years. Some adults only notice symptoms of ADHD when their children are diagnosed with it.

In people with this syndrome, certain parts of the brain do not produce enough of the chemicals that organize thoughts. This is what is called the main cause of ADHD.

In addition, factors that can provoke the development of the syndrome include genetics, smoking or substance abuse during pregnancy, exposure to environmental toxins, low birth weight, and brain injury.

How to diagnose ADHD?

It should be noted that most people will occasionally experience a behavioral disorder during their lifetime, but this does not mean that you have ADHD. This could be due to temporary difficulties or caused by a specific situation. However, if the symptoms last more than 6 months and become so severe that they interfere with all areas of your life, you should see a specialist.

Diagnosis in adults can be complicated because ADHD symptoms may be partially present in other mental health problems, such as excessive anxiety or depression.

Sometimes ADHD may not have been identified in childhood, which led to its manifestations in adulthood. To make a diagnosis, the doctor will conduct a detailed conversation about your general health, lifestyle and existing complaints.

How to relieve the symptoms of ADHD?

If left untreated, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can lead to numerous problems such as poor academic performance, unemployment, legal problems, unstable relationships, alcohol or other substance abuse, accidents, low self-esteem, and more.

Modern medicine offers several treatment options for ADHD.

Therapy. It may include group or individual counseling to help control triggers, learn better time management and problem solving, improve relationships with loved ones, and prevent impulsive behavior.

Medicines. To help relieve symptoms of ADHD, your doctor may suggest taking stimulants that have a calming effect, reduce hyperactivity, and improve concentration and attention. It should be noted that any drugs can have side effects, so treatment should be under the supervision of specialists.

Lifestyle change. It is important to strive to improve your symptoms on your own. Try to plan ahead and stick to the plan. Do not make hasty decisions, think over words and actions. Eat right, get enough rest and avoid factors that lead to negative consequences.

As you can see, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can negatively affect different areas of life. Adults sometimes need help even more than children. However, they are able to better understand their condition and control their emotions. Timely identification of the problem and compliance with certain rules will help create social ties, communication and improve your health.

Earlier, GLOBAL HAPPENINGS talked about an interesting famine ability. Scientists say that the hormone of joy can cause inattention and memory lapses.

Source: Obozrevatel

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