Doctors gave advice to those who want to get pregnant faster

The birth of a child is the greatest miracle in the world. Most women remember the period of pregnancy as a magical and unforgettable time, when a new life develops inside, which from birth will become the most valuable for them. When planning to give birth to a child, not everyone thinks that this step needs to be planned in advance. Because, unfortunately, pregnancy does not always occur immediately when we strive for it, sometimes our fertility can be influenced by numerous external factors and our own bad habits.

Preparation for pregnancy is the key to the birth of a healthy baby and the preservation of the health of a young mother. Grow by WebMd gave helpful advice to those who aspire to have a baby.

Planning a pregnancy you should first of all take care of your own body and give up some habits that can complicate the process of fertilization.

Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight or underweight reduces your chances of getting pregnant. This is due to possible hormonal changes. If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, then pregnancy may not occur for a long time.

Maintaining a healthy weight throughout life is extremely important because being overweight can cause serious complications during pregnancy. The main ones include gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, miscarriage, or the birth of a child with overweight or developmental disabilities.

Choose the best time to get pregnant

An unplanned pregnancy can be stressful or cause health problems for a woman. However, delaying the birth of children is also not recommended. The fact is that over the years, the fertility decreases in both men and women. Therefore, you should consult with a specialist and realistically assess your chances of successful conception and easy pregnancy at an older age.

Get rid of bad habits

Alcoholic beverages and tobacco are among the biggest enemies of the overall health of men and women. In addition, their abuse reduces the chances of getting pregnant. It should be noted that you should get rid of a bad habit even before pregnancy in order to prevent the birth of a sick baby. Your partner should also do this, as alcohol has a negative effect on erectile function.

At the same time, regular smoking causes changes in the fallopian tubes and cervix, which can lead to miscarriage, and damages your ovaries, which produce fewer eggs, reducing your chances of getting pregnant.

Don’t set sports records

An active lifestyle is the right choice, because movement is necessary for a person at any age. However, if you are planning a pregnancy, you should reduce physical activity. Intense workouts cause hormonal changes that prevent your ovaries from working properly and producing eggs.

This does not mean that you need to give up sports – just review the intensity of the exercises and adjust them according to your life plans.

Choose the right time for sex

Some couples can’t get pregnant because they don’t understand how a woman’s body works. In fact, during one cycle there are several days that are suitable for fertilization. They should be used when planning a pregnancy. During the period of ovulation (approximately the middle of the menstrual cycle) and a few days before and after it, a woman’s fertility is highest.

Enjoying intimate relationships during this period, you significantly increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Take vitamins

Pregnancy is not just a time of bearing a baby, it is a period of increased stress on the female body. Right now he needs additional support and care. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor about the appointment of vitamin complexes before and during pregnancy, because they will help replenish the balance of nutrients and prevent congenital pathologies in the child.

Get vaccinated

As a rule, preventive vaccinations should be given in early childhood. However, during the planning period of pregnancy, you should check whether you are protected from dangerous infectious diseases. The fact is that some of them can interfere with the birth of a child, and sometimes even lead to the need to terminate an existing pregnancy due to the high risk of intrauterine infection of the baby.

The most serious infections include rubella, chicken pox, and herpes. – it is they who carry the greatest threat in case of primary infection during pregnancy.

Regulate your medication

Preparing for pregnancy is important because it prevents health problems for the expectant mother and protects against the side effects of certain medications. However, the appointment and abolition of drug therapy must be agreed with the doctor.

Some drugs are not harmful to the baby, but can harm the mother, and after taking others, you should wait with pregnancy for some time.

As you can see, pregnancy is not only a great time to wait for a baby, but also a test of mother’s stamina. To make this period easy and joyful, you should prepare for it in advance. Taking care of your body, a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and no stress – these simple ways will help speed up the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy and ensure the birth of a healthy baby.

Earlier, GLOBAL HAPPENINGS talked about the need for iron during pregnancy. Experts emphasized that anemia and latent iron deficiency have a significant impact on the health of the expectant mother and the intrauterine development of the baby.

Source: Obozrevatel

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